Using Puppet 3.6 now, but will be upgrading to 3.8 shortly. All running on 
CentOS 7
So I am setting up a small network to be used in testing application 
deploys/OS.  The idea is basically this.

1. Build out a new VM(based off Puppet classes).
2. Install software
3. Test that software
4. Blow away VM

So I have self signing turned on, so when the machine first installs and 
runs puppet for the first time, it applies everything we want. All these 
steps is happening "automatically" Which is why I have self signing turned 
on in this case.

Now, the only hiccup, is that in this procedure, the ONE manual step I 
have, is that I need to go onto the puppetCA server, and run a "puppet cert 
clean hostname"
Shortly this is going to be a real pain, as there will be a bunch more 
manual machines. Short of setting  up a cron job, or using ssh'keys...

Is there a built in way to tell the PuppetCA server to just accept newly 
generate keys... and "clean" the old one.... I guess this is sorta 
bypassing the whole idea of signed keys, but then I have self signing turn 
on anyways...

If not, I'll probably just write a simple RESTful app that sits on teh 
PuppetCA server, that I can "curl" to to tell it to remove the old host 
key. I need to do things like that anyways in the building of of the VMs.

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