
I am looking for a way to influence run order without also doing dependencies.

I have a case where I am removing a bit of software from my system and so as is
typical things need to be done in a different order from creation, crucially I 
also do not really care if removal fails.  It should just try to remove 
independent of each other - but at least in a given order so there's some chance
of it working.

There seems to be no way to influence order which does not also imply a 
and so today the only way this is achieved is by invoking puppet 3 times with 3
different manifest files which seems horrible but that's the only way I can find
to achieve this as well.

I tried:

  exec{"false": before => Exec["true"]}
  exec{"true": }

This fails because before implies a requirement.

Surprisingly this also implies a requirement:

  exec{"false": notify => Exec["true"]
  exec{"true": }

Here the true exec is skipped when false exec fails, I really did not expect
this to be the case


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