On 6/25/15 2:09 AM, hoize wrote:
> Hello!
> I want to uncomment a line in a file, for example:
> _/root/.bashrc_
> # export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
> _after change:_
> export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
> After some searching for a solution, I found the Augeas-Tool and then
> the Augeas-Shellvar-Provider.
> So I tried it:
>   shellvar { "export LS_OPTIONS":
>     ensure  =>  present,
>     target  =>  "/root/.bashrc",
>     uncomment =>  true,
>   }
> But I always get this error, regardless how I paraphrase the ressource
> "shellvar".
> An alternative solution would be great, too. But with the file_line
> ressource, I can't imagine, that there is an very short and easy way.
> I hope someone can help me! 
> Thank You!
> Hoize

Hi Hoize,

Since we're talking about a comment, does it really matter if it is
still in the file? Bash certainly does not think so. The file_line()
function should work well for you if you want to manage individual lines
as opposed to the entire file. I would recommend this approach for its
simplicity instead of Augeas.

Best regards,

Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with LearnPuppet.com
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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