Le 12/06/2015 à 07:06:49-0700, jcbollinger a écrit
> You don't.  If you were willing to write a custom function or possibly to

That' sucks ...

> engage in some ruby-fu inan inline template then you could extract a list of
> the titles of all Things::Addthing resources declared to that point during
> catalog building, but that's not necessarily the same thing, as instances may
> have been declared elsewhere, too.


> More generally, it is never a good idea for your manifests to rely on
> extracting data from the catalog under construction. The result of any such
> inquiry is necessarily dependent on the order in which Puppet evaluates your

In fact the order don't matters for me.

> manifests, which is difficult to predict.  Instead, focus on data first, and
> code second.  For example, if you want a list of the Thing::Addthings, then
> start with that, and use it to make your declarations, instead of making your
> declarations and after the fact trying to determine what you declared (which 
> in
> truth you already know anyway):
> class my_service {
>   include ::things
>   $thinglist = [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ]
>   things::addthing { $thinglist: }
> }
> It's shorter, too.

Well, I can do that, but that's become really hard to read if for each
thing they are lots of parameters.

In fact I event don't how to do that with lots of parameters. Let's say I
want do what you say, how can I factorise

  things:addthing { 'first':
    'param1' => 'value1',
    'param10' => 'value10',

  things:addthing { 'second':
    'param1' => 'value1',
    'param10' => 'value10',

  things:addthing { 'third':
    'param1' => 'value1',
    'param10' => 'value10',
(actually it's not 10 but 9).

How can I use a array ?

Thanks for your answer.



Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
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92195 Meudon Cedex
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Heure local/Local time:
jeu 18 jui 2015 16:05:23 CEST

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