
Found a solution:

Create ruby script in:
root@foreman]# cat 
Facter.add('check_nails_exsist') do
  setcode do

We are checking if /etc/NONAILS exist, if yes return true else false.

Create puppet manifest to ensure the service running, if file exist stop 
the server:
[root@foreman]# cat 
# Class: check_service

class check_service {
        if $check_nails_exsist  == 'true' {
                service { 'nails':
                ensure => "stopped",
                enable => false,
                hasstatus  => false,
                hasrestart => false,
        else {
                service { 'nails':
                ensure => "running",
                enable => true,
                hasstatus  => false,
                hasrestart => true,

Hope it helped.

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 4:06:53 PM UTC+3, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 7:24:57 AM UTC-5, Eddie Mashayev wrote:
>> Thanks, do you have any other suggestion how can I do it properly?
>> I want “nails” process to be running only if there is no /etc/NONAILS 
>> flag in my OS.
> The canonical way to inform the catalog compiler about node state is via 
> node facts.  It should be pretty straightforward to create a custom fact 
> that simply reports on the presence or absence of one file; then you put 
> the Service resource in a conditional block that depends on the value of 
> that fact.
> John

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