I'm creating a puppetdb machine using puppetdb module. My code is simple:

> class profiles::puppetdb {
>   class { '::puppetdb':
>   }
> }

This, unfortunately, fails with the following error:

> Debug: Executing '/usr/local/bin/validate_postgresql_connection.sh 2 10 
'/usr/bin/psql --tuples-only --quiet  -h localhost  -U puppetdb  -p 5432  
--dbname puppetdb ''

> Error: 
puppetdb postgres connection]/Exec[validate postgres connection for 
puppetdb@localhost:5432/puppetdb]/unless: Check 
"/usr/local/bin/validate_postgresql_connection.sh 2 10 '/usr/bin/psql 
--tuples-only --quiet  -h localhost  -U puppetdb  -p 5432  --dbname 
puppetdb '" exceeded timeout

I'm a bit at a loss as to what to do here, as there's nothing in the logs 
that can tell me why I'm getting this error.


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