Unfortunately using EPP is not sufficient for all of our templates.  (In a
few places we use some pretty intense logic that we are working to simplify
but it will take a while)  Are there plans to make it easier to call hiera
from within a template?  Would porting the template function to be a 4.x
function change its ability to call the hiera function more easily?  I'm a
little frustrated that a huge breaking change like this was made without
the behavior either being deprecated first and also without any mention of
the breaking change in the puppet 4 release notes.



On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Maura Dailey <ma...@eclipse.ncsc.mil>

> Thank you for your detailed response. It appears the primary problem could
> be in the hiera documentation, then, as it still refers to calling
> conventions that are apparently now completely outdated. I've read your
> blog before but didn't pick up on the meaning of the article about epp
> templates.
> On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 8:16:23 PM UTC-4, Henrik Lindberg wrote:
>> On 2015-23-05 24:39, Maura Dailey wrote:
>> > Yes, I know this practice is discouraged in the documentation, but the
>> > updated hiera 2.0 documentation also assures me that it's supported and
>> > implies no changes to puppet 3.x manifests or templates are required.
>> >
>> > This networking.erb file used to work in puppet 3.8 (this is a cruddy
>> > example, I use callouts to hiera data EXTENSIVELY in dozens of much
>> more
>> > complicated configuration templates):
>> > |
>> > HOSTNAME=<%=@fqdn%>
>> > GATEWAY=<%=scope.function_hiera(['gateway'])%>
>> > |
>> >
>> > Now in puppet 4.1, I get the following:
>> > |
>> > Info:Retrievingpluginfacts
>> > Info:Retrievingplugin
>> > Info:Loadingfacts
>> > Error:Couldnotretrieve catalog fromremote server:Error400on
>> > SERVER:EvaluationError:Errorwhileevaluating a FunctionCall,Failedto
>> > parse templatenetworking/network.erb:
>> >
>> Filepath:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/parser/functions/fail.rb
>> > Line:3
>> > Detail:hiera()has been converted to 4xAPI
>> > |
>> >
>> > I checked the hiera 2.0 documentation on the names of functions
>> > here:
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/latest/puppet.html#hiera-lookup-functions
>> >
>> > and the hiera 2.0 documention on how to call them from inside templates
>> > here:
>> >
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/latest/puppet.html#using-the-lookup-functions-from-templates
>> >
>> > What am I missing? I tried to read the Ruby source for hints, but I'm
>> > more of a Python person and couldn't find any documentation on how to
>> > call the 4x API functions correctly. Thanks in advance for any
>> assistance.
>> You have unfortunately run into a problem with a puppet 3.x function
>> (template()) making a call to a function that have been migrated to the
>> 4.x function API. In the new API functions are not called via scope, and
>> a 3x function does not have the needed information to do so easily.
>> You can get around the problem by using the new templating system EPP
>> where the logic is written in the Puppet Language. This is also the long
>> term direction (The more safe, and better specified EPP over ERB where
>> you are exposed to the internals of the puppet runtime).
>> The snippet you showed can be written like this in EPP:
>> HOSTNAME=<%= $fqdn %>
>> GATEWAY=<%= hiera('gateway') %>
>> I understand this may be a bit of work when you have many and
>> complicated templates esp. if you rely on the internals of Puppet.
>> For regular templates that only access variables, it should be as easy
>> as replacing a @varname with $varname).
> I did a quick test using this syntax, and this appears to work perfectly.
> This will work for 99% of my existing templates, I think. (I had to switch
> the calling convention inside the pp file to call epp instead of template
> before it stopped giving me errors. Oops.)
>> I think a ticket should be logged regarding the difficulty of calling a
>> 4x function (this has popped up in other contexts (where it was possible
>> to work around the issue more easily)).
>> What is needed is a calling mechanism that is agnostic; a function that
>> is written with the 4.x. API simply uses the method
>> 'call_function(<NAME>, <ARG1>, <ARG2>, ...)' and it calls either a 3.x
>> or a 4.x function. A similar thing is needed in an accessible way from
>> within a 3.x. function or template (e.g. scope.call_function with the
>> same signature as in the 4.x API). The fix would entail something like
>> what I am describing below...
>> Alternatively, to get past the problem if you do not want to move to EPP
>> right away here is how to call a 4.x function (but this is not
>> considered API, as we are planning refactoring how calls are made - they
>> are done in several different ways atm):
>> # Note that this requires >= 3.8.1 with future parser or 4.1.0.
>> #
>> def call_function(name, args, scope, &block)
>>    # Get the loader that serves the environment - i.e for a call that
>>    # comes from within the environment. This makes all functions in the
>>    # environment (all modules, and environment private function) visible)
>>    # to the caller. (This is somewhat cheating wrt. visibility - i.e.
>>    # 'private' functions which will be supported in a later version).
>>    #
>>    loader = scope.compiler.loaders.private_environment_loader
>>    if loader && func = loader.load(:function, name)
>>      return func.call(scope, *args, &block)
>>    end
>>    # the function was not found... deal with it
>> end
>> The above is a modified version of what is used in the puppet runtime,
>> and should be possible to use in a template - even as a one-liner (in
>> your case:
>> scope.compiler.loaders.private_environment_loader.load(:function,
>> 'hiera').call(scope, 'gateway')
> Thanks for the extra details here. Obviously, this is fairly low level,
> and I don't want to find things breaking out from under me in a future
> puppet release! I've gone over my existing templates and the EPP format
> should be sufficient to meet my needs without more programmatic changes.
>> Note that the real implementation is also able to call 3.x functions,
>> and is written to support visibility rules (i.e. handling private
>> functions. See the method 'call_function' defined in
>> puppet/pops/evaluator/runtime3_support.rb) if you want to look at the
>> complete implementation).
>> Regards
>> - henrik
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