> we run puppet 3.6.2 on SLES 11 SP3 and downloaded puppetdb 2.2.0 from
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/systemsmanagement:/puppet:/devel/SLE_11_SP3/x86_64/puppetdb-2.2.0-14.34.x86_64.rpm
> .
> Trying to start puppetdb produces nothing more than this message "Error:
> Could not find or load main class com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.core" in
> puppetdb-daemon.log.
> root@DMS-P-SV1:/var/log/puppetdb
> (DMS-P-SV1)# rcpuppetdb status
> Checking for service puppetdb                                           dead
> root@DMS-P-SV1:/var/log/puppetdb
> (DMS-P-SV1)# rcpuppetdb start
> Starting puppetdb 8895
>                                                                         done
> root@DMS-P-SV1:/var/log/puppetdb
> (DMS-P-SV1)# rcpuppetdb status
> Checking for service puppetdb                                           dead
> root@DMS-P-SV1:/var/log/puppetdb
> (DMS-P-SV1)# cat puppetdb-daemon.log
> Error: Could not find or load main class com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.core
> Error: Could not find or load main class com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.core
> Error: Could not find or load main class com.puppetlabs.puppetdb.core
> root@DMS-P-SV1:/var/log/puppetdb
> (DMS-P-SV1)# rpm -qa | grep puppetdb
> puppetdb-terminus-2.2.0-14.34
> python-pypuppetdb-0.1.1-1.5
> puppetdb-2.2.0-14.34
> All we could found about this error yet is a hint, that the compilation
> method "AOT" is no longer to be used. However, I doubt that SuSE publishes a
> version that was not correctly compiled.

Well, its not that they have compiled anything badly, it's just they
haven't adjusted their init script to reflect the changes since 2.x
when we removed AOT compilation. If you look at our version currently
in stable (2.3.4) the java arguments are different now:


In particular, Java launches PuppetDB using the clojure.main class,
and passes the entry point using the clojure specific argument -m.

> puppetdb 1.6.3 runs out of the box, but we would prefer to use a newer
> version.
> Does anyone have a hint how to solve this problem?

This boils down to a bug in the package I think.

You'll need to either fix this init script manually yourself, ask the
package maintainer to update their package (it's still a few revisions
behind anyhow, I wouldn't advise a 2.2.0 if you can avoid it) or roll
your own SLES specific package.


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