
I have shell script that generates a hash of user accounts that need to be 
by puppet. In my manifest I'm calling it using the generate() function:

$myusers = generate ('/bin/sh', '-c', '/path/to/my/script.sh')

The output of the script looks like:
                { 'user1' => {  name => 'user1',  ensure => present,  gid 
=> xxxx,  home => '/home/user1',  managehome => true,  purge_ssh_keys => 
true,  shell => '/bin/bash',}, 'user2' => {  name => 'user2',  ensure => 
present,  gid => xxxx,  home => '/home/user2',  managehome => true, 
 purge_ssh_keys => true,  shell => '/bin/bash',},}

then I call create_resources as

                create_resources (user, $myusers)

and when I run 'puppet agent --test' on the client I get

                Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 
400 on SERVER: create_resources(): second argument must be a hash at 
/etc/puppet/environments/mgmt/manifests/01-all-nodes.pp:38 on node server1

If I comment out the create_resources and add the line

                   validate_hash ($myusers)

then it fails with

                 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: 
Error 400 on SERVER: "{ 'user1' => {  name => 'user1',  ensure => present, 
 gid => xxxx,  home => '/home/user1',  managehome => true,  purge_ssh_keys 
=> true,  shell => '/bin/bash',}, 'user2' => {  name => 'user2',  ensure => 
present,  gid => xxxx,  home => '/home/user2',  managehome => true, 
 purge_ssh_keys => true,  shell => '/bin/bash',},}" is not a Hash.  It 
looks to be a String at 
/etc/puppet/environments/mgmt/manifests/01-all-nodes.pp:38 on node server1

Yet, if I take the output of the script and just put it directly into the 
manifest, it works fine; ie,

                 $myusers = { 'user1' => {  name => 'user1',  ensure => 
present,  gid => xxxx,  home => '/home/user1',  managehome => true, 
 purge_ssh_keys => true,  shell => '/bin/bash',}, 'user2' => {  name => 
'user2',  ensure => present,  gid => xxxx,  home => '/home/user2', 
 managehome => true,  purge_ssh_keys => true,  shell => '/bin/bash',},}
                 create_resources (user, $myusers)

and it works.

So, based on the error messages, it's obvious that the generate() function 
is returning the string data type. Can I force it to return the hash data 
Or is there a way to convert a string to a hash?


- Allen

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