The option you're looking for is --show_diff

However, you should just use "puppet agent runonce --test" when testing stuff; the --test flag sets all of the flags that you normally use for debugging, including --no-daemonize, --verbose, and --show_diff (plus a few others -- see the man page). You will still need to specify --noop if you want that option, however.

On 05/05/2015 11:58 AM, Gang Qin wrote:
Dear Puppet Expert:

When I run ''puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --noop " , I see a change in /etc/condor/config.d/wn-wn.config:

Notice: /Stage[second]/Condor::Config-wn-westmere/File[/etc/condor/config.d/wn-wn.config]/content: current_value {md5}a13d0e32d20eac20006194794f5a7d66, should be {md5}4d31c8ed36aed5c014022215ca944d6c (noop)

Just wondering what's the most convenient way to view the change in this file directly before applying the change.


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