Hi There,

After a couple of years working with puppet I'm starting to use Hiera as 
ENC with the hiera_include('classes').

Now I'm having problems with the resource ordering. I created a module to 
set up my repos and then use some others modules. My problem is that my 
'common' module must run before the other modules and I don't know how to 
do it in hiera.

My yaml is like

  - common
  - ntp
  - zabbix::agent

But this drives me to

Info: Applying configuration version '1429274932'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Zabbix::Agent/Package[zabbix-agent]/ensure: 
current_value absent, should be 2.4.3-1.el6 (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/common::Repos/Yumrepo[zabbix]/ensure: current_value 
absent, should be present (noop)

How do I force to the common class to have procedence over the zabbix 
module?  Before using hiera as ENC I would have a -> between the classes 
and an anchor if needed in my manifest, but now I don't have any manifest 
for my nodes. Where can I put it on ?

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