Hello Puppeteers,

We currently have implemented a nodeless (role base using LDAP) and 
masterless (git pulls) puppet infrastructure at work. This aspect seems to 
work just fine. We also have puppetdb setup to manage reports and 
storeconfigs. There is plenty of data being written to the PostgreSQL DB. 
However the storeconfigs aspect doesn't seem to be working as expected. 
Basically, a resource is exported as expected. However, the resource that 
is exported on the local machine is the only resource created when the 
collection of resources is collected. I have attached the puppetdb.log, 
puppetdb.conf, puppet.conf, routes.yaml, a sample manifest to create the 
stored configs and the logs from both hosts. I am rather stumped why this 
isn't working. Below is an example showing that the resources are not 
collected and applied properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

ls -al /tmp/*.example.com 
-rw-r----- 1 root root 30 Mar 20 04:20 /tmp/puppet00.example.com

cat /tmp/puppet00.example.com

ls -al /tmp/*..example.com 
-rw-r----- 1 root root 30 Mar 20 04:20 /tmp/puppet01.example.com

cat /tmp/puppet01.example.com


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Attachment: init.pp
Description: Binary data

#       This file is managed by Puppet
#       DO NOT EDIT ! ! !

confdir = /etc/puppet
user = puppet
group = puppet
ssldir = $confdir/ssl
vardir = /var/lib/puppet
rundir = $vardir/run
reports = store,puppetdb,
pluginsync = true
storeconfigs = true
report = true
environment_path = false
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb,
basemodulepath = /opt/puppet/modules
default_manifest = /opt/puppet/manifests
parser = future

Attachment: puppet00.example.com_file
Description: Binary data

Attachment: puppet00.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: puppet01.example.com_file
Description: Binary data

Attachment: puppet01.log
Description: Binary data

#               File Controlled by Puppet
#               DO NOT EDIT ! ! !

server  = puppetdb.sjc01.prod.colovore.net
port    = 8081

Attachment: puppetdb.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: routes.yaml
Description: Binary data

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