Eric Sorenson <> writes:

>>> Diversity is very important to us, so this year's survey also asks about 
>>> gender and diversity in tech. 
>>         I am still concerned that this is being accomplished through the 
>> use of misogynist language.  I hope that nobody is turned away from the 
>> field simply by going through this survey! 

> Hi Tim, I think Alanna, Nigel, and Nicole joined this conversation as well, 
> but the goal here is not to assert this statement as something the study 
> authors believe, or they think YOU should believe, but rather as a 
> statement expressing *one possible* belief, in order to register reactions 
> ranging from 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree'. 

        To be clear: the context is the language in question reads:

| Even though it's not politically correct to say it, men are often more
| suited than women to do high-level work in my field.

        This appears on the final page of your (long-ish) survey, well
after those surveyed have provided their contact information and well past
any mental "point of no return", and with no way to skip the question
without simply aborting out.

> Sounds like you (and me as well for what it's worth) strongly disagree.

        I believe that your statement is offensive on its face.  To
illustrate, I urge you to consider this: would you have been comfortable
asking about race or sexual orientation using this same rhetorical style?

        Your argument on Twitter and G+ has been, if I may paraphrase, "we
believe that the science compels us to ask the question in this precise
way".  Even if I shared your belief, I do not find this to be an adequate
excuse for such unprofessional and misogynist language.

        If you want to pursue this, I believe that an inverted form of the
question would have been significantly less offensive, e.g.:

  Women are just as suited as men to do high-level work in my field.

        ...but it is, perhaps, too late to change the question.  Instead,
I suggest that you strike the question from the survey now, and perhaps
consider out a less-offensive way to study the question in a future
study.  (Maybe by funding the authors of the original study for additional

                                    - Tim Skirvin (
HPC Systems Administrator / Developer
  Fermilab - USCMS-T1 Collaboration        Experiment Computing Facilities

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