While it's possible to do stuff like this in Puppet, it's not really 
configuration management that you're doing here; it's systems 
administration.  If your requirement is to have patches installed 
automatically, I would write this as a 10 line shell script, and have 
Puppet just take care of installing the script as a cron task.

On Friday, March 13, 2015 at 5:45:16 AM UTC+11, Brian Morris wrote:
> I don't have enough nodes to justify running my own patch repository, but 
> here is the manifest I use for patching our Debian-derived systems. First, 
> though, here is the facter called "updates_already_running"
> Facter.add(:updates_already_running) do
>  confine :osfamily => "Debian"
>  setcode do
>  if Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("ps aux | grep 'dpkg\|apt-get' | grep 
> -v grep")
>  "yes"
>  end
>  end
> end
> And, here is the manifest:
> class system_updates { 
>  # ==Purpose
>  # This class is used for running system updates on all Linux assets.
>  #
>  # ==Actions
>  # * Compiles a list of available updates
>  # * Ensures that any pending package problems are resolved
>  # * Applies all available updates
>  # * Automatically cleans up any packages that are no longer needed
>  # * Empties genericadmin's mailbox
>  # * Reboots the system if any updates require it
>  #
>  #
>  if ( $::updates_already_running ) {
>  }
>  else {
>  Exec["lock_prep"] -> Exec["apt_prep"] -> Exec["apt_update"] ->  Exec[
> "apt_fix"] -> Exec["apt_upgrade"] -> Exec["apt_remove"] ->  Exec[
> "empty_mailbox"] -> Exec["reboot"]
>  #
>  #
>  exec { "lock_prep":
>       command   => "rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; rm -f 
> /var/lib/apt/lists/lock ; rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/lock",
>     }
>  exec { "apt_prep":
>   command   => "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ; mkdir 
> /var/lib/apt/lists/partial",
>  }
>  exec { "apt_update":
>  command => "apt-get update",
>  }
>  exec { "apt_fix":
>  command => "apt-get -f install",
>  }
>  exec { "apt_upgrade":
>  command => "apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" -o 
> Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" -y --force-yes dist-upgrade",
>  }
>  exec { "apt_remove":
>  command => "apt-get -y autoremove",
>  }
>  exec { "empty_mailbox":
>  command   => 'echo "" > /home/genericadmin/mbox',
>  onlyif    => "test -f /home/genericadmin/mbox",
>  }
>  exec { "reboot":
>  command => "reboot",
>  onlyif => "test -f /var/run/reboot-required",
>  }
>  }
> }
> I hope this helps you.
> Brian

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