Hey all,

 I've created a very basic puppet module to install bacula and ensure that
it's running. However one exec statement in my manifest gets applied every

Here's the manifest:

class bacula::install {

   if $hostname == "ops" {

      file { "/var/bacula":
      ensure => directory,

      file {"/backup/tapes":
        ensure => directory,

      package { ["bacula-client", "bacula-common", "bacula-storage",
"bacula-libs", "bacula-libs-sql", "bacula-director", "bacula-console"] :
      ensure => present,
      require => [ File["/var/bacula"], File["/backup/tapes"]]

*     exec { "update_mysql_alternatives":*
*     command => "alternatives --set libbaccats.so
*     path    => "/usr/local/bin/:/bin/:/usr/sbin"*
*     }*

  } else {
      package { ["bacula-client", "bacula-common"] :
      ensure => present,
      require => [ File["/var/bacula"], File["/backup/tapes"]]

Seems pretty straight forward. But how can I get the exec command to run
only once if it hasn't been run previously?



GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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