On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 3:25:57 PM UTC-6, Salty Old Cowdawg 
> I've created a very simple type as follows:
> Puppet::Type.newtype(:bannerfile) do
>   @doc = "Create a text file with banner text"
>   ensurable
>   newproperty(:name)do
>     isnamevar
>   end
>   newproperty(:bannertext)do
>   end
>   newproperty(:bannertext2)do
>   end
> end
> doesn't do anything yet, but it is a start.
> I'm invoking it from a class thusly:
>  bannerfile { "/tmp/bannerfile":
>           bannertext => "This would be banner text",
>           bannertext2 => $testmodule::config::line2
>         }
> and when I run the Puppet agent I get:
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> No set of title patterns matched the title "/tmp/bannerfile"
> what on earth is it trying to tell me?

It's telling you that the way your type's namevar is set up is wrong.  At a 
guess, Puppet thinks you have a composite namevar.  The custom type 
documentation <https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_types.html> has 
this to say about namevars:

There are three ways to designate a namevar. Every type must have *exactly 
> one* parameter that meets *exactly one* of these criteria:
> *Option 1:* Create a parameter whose name is :name. Since most types just 
> use :name as the namevar, it gets special treatment and will 
> automatically become the namevar.
> [...]
> *Option 2:* Provide the :namevar => true option as an additional argument 
> to the newparam call.
> [...]
> *Option 3:* Call the isnamevar method (which takes no arguments) inside 
> the parameter’s code block.
(emphasis in the original).  Your 'name' parameter meets *two* of those 
criteria, so I'd try omitting the 'isnamevar' from its code block to trim 
that back to one.


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