On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 2:12:43 PM UTC-6, Salty Old Cowdawg 
> I've been banging my head against the wall with this one.  Probably a 
> simple fix but I'm not seeing it at the moment.
> I have a proof of concept setup in our lab where I have a central 
> Foreman/Puppet server.  The Puppet server on the Foreman box has the 
> responsibility of keeping things straight on subordinate "remote servers" 
> that in production will be located in the same data center as the client 
> base they will server.

I suspect that your issue as to do with exactly what it means (or should 
mean) for a remote server to be "subordinate".  More on that below.


> To get the POC remote server set up I manually load the Puppet client 
> software on the host (later it will come pre-loaded on a VM template) and I 
> run the Puppet client manually.  That first run is all about the certs and 
> getting the Foreman ENC aware of the host.  Adding a couple of config 
> groups the the host and next we run puppet agent -t-test --server=<foreman 
> host fqdn> and all the configuration files get loaded and then things go 
> sideways. 

If I understand correctly, you are using the Puppet agent on your 
subordinate remote server to configure that server for operation (in 
particular, for operation as a Puppet master for other machines in the same 
data center).


> The Puppet Master daemon will not run on the host.  What I'm seeing in 
> /var/log/messages is as follows:
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]: Could not prepare for 
> execution: The certificate retrieved from the master does not match the 
> agent's private key.
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname>puppet-master[32593]: Certificate 
> fingerprint: 
> BC:0C:19:83:62:F8:A6:AD:ED:85:B7:19:B6:AD:75:FE:36:62:D7:43:C9:5B:76:64:E8:A1:F5:C1:FE:1F:39:21
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname>puppet-master[32593]: To fix this, remove the 
> certificate from both the master and the agent and then start a puppet run, 
> which will automatically regenerate a certficate.
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]: On the master:
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]:   puppet cert 
> clean <agent host FQDN>
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]: On the agent:
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]:   1a. On most platforms: 
> find /var/lib/puppet/ssl -name <agent host FQDN> -delete
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname>puppet-master[32593]:   1b. On Windows: 
> del "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/<agent host FQDN>.pem" /f
> Feb 18 19:48:20 <hostname> puppet-master[32593]:   2. puppet agent -t

If the master is emitting those messages at startup, it must be talking 
about its own cert (so the message is misleading).  I'm inclined to suppose 
that the problem relates to the CA(s).  The subordinate master's cert was 
signed by the central master's CA, but by default a *master* relies on its 
own CA (and your config explicitly specifies that the remote masters should 
do this).  From the subordinate master's perspective, therefore, its own 
certificate is untrusted (there is no trusted authority in its chain).  
This is a *bona fide* problem, because that cert won't be trusted by the 
remote master's clients, either.  There have been ideas floating around for 
a long time about how to deal with this sort of scenario, but as far as I 
am aware, there are few good solutions.

Probably the easiest class of solutions to set up is the central CA.  
Instead of your remote masters providing CA services to their clients, all 
client certificate requests would go to your central master's CA.  You can 
configure this directly in the agents' Puppet configuration, or you can set 
up CA proxies on the satellite masters to disguise the true location of the 

An alternative would be to put two separate copies of Puppet on your 
satellite masters, one with which to run the agent against the central 
master, and another with which to serve its own clients.  I think this is 
dirty, ugly, and dangerous, and I do not recommend it, but I mention it 
because you're likely to come up with the idea on your own, anyway.

If you don't like the central CA then I think the best thing to do -- and I 
don't think there's an automated way to go about it -- is to set up the 
remote masters with CA certs signed by the central CA, and have each 
master's identifying cert signed by its own CA.  I think the masters' certs 
will then be trusted by the central master because its own CA is in their 
chain of trust, and each master and its agents will certainly trust that 
master's cert because it is signed by the master's CA.  If you wanted 
machines, including masters, at different remote sites to trust each 
other's certs, then maybe you could accomplish it by adding the central 
CA's cert to their trusted CA lists.


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