i'm currently having an issue with a puppet3.7.3/solaris 10 client.
I was quite sure that this client has generated a SHA1 csr and it was 
visible on the master,
Unfortunately I can't see or sign it anymore on the master (?!), so I 
cleaned the SSL dir on the client.
There was no csr flying around in the masters csr directory, so I did 
nothing on the master.

Afterwards I got the following message:
[sol10box:/etc/puppet/ssl]$ puppet agent -t
Info: Creating a new SSL key for sol10box.example.com
Info: Caching certificate for sol10box.example.com
Error: Could not request certificate: Unsupported digest algorithm (SHA256).
Exiting; failed to retrieve certificate and waitforcert is disabled

Ok, the installed openssl version (something like 0.9.7 or below)  isn't 
capable of generating SHA256 csr's, adding --digest SHA1 ( at commandline 
or puppet config) doesn't help, too - puppet still tries to generate SHA256 

Any Ideas how to solve that? I can't just update openssl to something 
useful as it breaks dependencies to some proprietary software from hell, as 
always :)

best regards,

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