On Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 10:09:04 AM UTC-6, James Oden wrote:
> I am getting a dependency loop when trying to apply my puppet 
> manifests, however the loop makes little sense to me as one the 
> dependencies seems to come from no where. 
> The cycle is this: 
>    Augeas[Change production to development in virtual hosts] => 
>    Exec[re-read apache config] => 
>    Class[App::Apache] => 
>    Augeas[Change production to development in virtual hosts]) 

> This cycle is started with this resource in Class A: 
>     augeas { 'Change production to development in virtual hosts': 
>         context   => '/files/etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd-app.conf', 
>         changes   => [ 
>             "set VirtualHost[1]/*[self::directive='SetEnv']/arg[2] 
> development", 
>             "set VirtualHost[2]/*[self::directive='SetEnv']/arg[2] 
> development", 
>         ], 
>         require => Class['app::apache'], 
>         notify  => Exec['re-read apache config'], 
>     } 
>  Exec['re-read apache config'] lives in the class app::apache, and it 
> looks like: 
>     exec { 're-read apache config': 
>         command     => '/sbin/apachectl graceful', 
>         require     => Class['app::packages'], 
>         refreshonly => true, 
>     } 

> In particular I don't see where it is getting that Exec[re-read apache 
> config] requires Class[App::Apache] (which itself contains 
> Exec[re-read apache config]).

That dependency arises from the Exec resource being declared by 
Class[App::Apache].  You could read it as "Class[App::Apache] has not been 
fully applied while Exec[re-read apache config] has not yet been applied."


>  But then it goes a step beyond and 
> states that Class[App::Apache], the dep I can't explain requires 
> Augeas[Change production to development in virtual hosts] causing a 
> loop.   Near as I can tell App::Apache makes no requirements that 
> takes you directly back Augeas[Change production to development in 
> virtual hosts]. 

That's right in the Augeas resource you presented, specifically:

        require => Class['app::apache'], 

Class['app::apache'] is too coarse-grained to serve your dependency 
requirements, as is evident in your expressing a dependency on a resource 
it declares.  You want your Augeas resource to be applied after Apache's 
configuration file has been configured, and you want the restart to be 
triggered when Augeas modifies the file, but both of those resources are 
managed by Class['app::apache'].

Since we've lately been discussing DSL code style and practices, I'll 
observe that the prevailing opinion these days seems to be that it is 
inappropriate for resources to be declared a given scope to be explicitly 
targeted by relationships declared in any unrelated scope, especially 
across module boundaries.  That principle would direct that relationships 
*specifically* with Exec['re-read apache config'] not be declared outside 
Class['app::apache'] or any subclasses it may have, and particularly not by 
classes outside module "app".

One common way to approach the issue would be to establish separate classes 
for the distinct logical components of Class['app::apache'].  The usual 
split is one to manage the physical presence of the software on the target 
system, one to manage its configuration, and one to manage its execution as 
a service.  These might be represented as classes app::apache::software (or 
"app::apache::install", which is more conventional but less suitable), 
app::apache::configuration (or "app::apache::config", which many people 
prefer), and app::apache::service.  For the record, where I offer 
alternative names for those components, it is because class names should be 
*nouns* describing the thing they manage, not verbs.

Given such a split, your Augeas resource would require 
Class['app::apache::software'], and notify Class['app::apache::service'].

Note that such a split does not imply removing Class['app::apache'], but 
most -- perhaps all -- of its work would be reduced to declaring (and 
declaring containment of) the split-out classes.


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