This is the class I have for the user creation:

> *#users.pp*

class common::users {
>     create_resources('group', hiera_hash('groups'))
>     define create_ssh_users () {
>         user { $name:
>             password   => $password,
>             managehome => $managehome,
>             groups     => $groups,
>             ensure     => $ensure,
>         } ->
>         ssh_authorized_key { $name:
>             user       => $name,
>             type       => $type,
>             key        => $key,
>             ensure     => $ensure,
>             purge_ssh_keys => $purge_ssh_keys,
>         }
>     }
>     create_resources('create_ssh_users', hiera_hash('ssh_users'))
> }

in my *nodes.pp*:  

> hiera_include('classes')

and the associated hiera file is like this:

>     - 'common::users'
> groups:
>     'admins':
>         ensure: present
>         gid: '2001'
>     'network':
>         ensure: present
>         gid: '2002'
> ssh_users:
>     'sans':
>         password: '$1$33mRSE$deEDRKq2aGPu0'
>         managehome: true
>         key: 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA....zdqs8etdh'
>         purge_ssh_keys: true
>         groups:
>             - 'admins' 
>             - 'networks'
        ensure: present 
>         ....
>         ....

When I run puppet, I see errors like:

Error: Invalid parameter managehome on 
Common::Users::Create_ssh_users[andy] on node p19-d-nagios-001
Error: Invalid parameter purge_ssh_keys on 
Common::Users::Create_ssh_users[sans] on node p19-d-nagios-001

The errors are pretty inconsistent - changes the parameter (i.e. sometimes 
it's managehome, next time is key etc.) and the user-name over time. Can 
anyone tell what am I missing please? 

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