So for what it’s worth, I stopped inheriting the powershell provider and just 
utilized some of the code in the provider to build the powershell command 
method, write the file out to temp, return the native path, and call 
Puppet::Util::Execution.Execute() directly.  Seems to achieve what I want and 
lets me remove all the extraneous extra parameters I don’t need.

So in this case, provider inheritance wasn’t my friend. 

From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's 
Exec PowerShell Provider

Ok – so it seems the the underlying base classes of my provider are expecting 
the parameters and their validations from the exec type instead of my new type 
– makes sense.  I was able to test that theory out by adding the parameters 
(and in many cases copying the parameters from the exec type) being validated 
to my new type, but that’s not exactly what I was hoping for.  I did get to the 
point where it’s writing out the temp ps1 file and executing, but now I have 
some challenges on the return output.

I was trying to avoid direct execution of calling cmd.exe with powershell and 
re-inventing the wheel because it’s been done so well with the powershell 
provider, and it avoids some of the escape hell with double quotes if trying to 
pass them on the command line.

I’m likely going about this the wrong way (e.g. going overboard) but if anyone 
wants to provide guidance from the realm of sanity, please feel free. 

From: Jim Ficarra 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 2:24 PM
Subject: [Puppet Users] Help with provider inheritance of Josh Cooper's Exec 
PowerShell Provider

I'm as newbie as they come to both Ruby and custom provider development, so 
apologies if I'm missing the obvious up front. :)

I want to write a custom type/provider to manage IIS Settings. I realize that 
there are at least 3 IIS modules in the forge already (and we are using one of 
them) but I am attempting to write my own because 1) I want to learn how to 
write custom providers and not just defined types in Puppet DSL and 2) The 
existing IIS modules don't hit all the granular configurations I need to manage 
so I have a bunch of execs I need to reign in.

That said, the first type/provider I'm playing with is to simply enable and 
disable Logging in IIS at the server and site level.  I am trying to inherit 
from Josh Cooper's Powershell provider because it executes PowerShell, does it 

I sometimes see the temp powershell file being written to temp then disappear, 
but it seems I've hit a wall on the exists? method right out of the gate.  When 
I do a puppet run, I get the error:

Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)

Any insight would be appreciated.  Relevant code below.

Running with --trace shows (partial stack trace):
Error: /Stage[main]/Test_tools/Iis_logging[TestLogging]: Could not evaluate: 
Invalid parameter cwd(:cwd)
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/util/errors.rb:97:in `fail'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:618:in `[]'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/property/ensure.rb:81:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1035:in `retrieve'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/type.rb:1063:in `retrieve_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:174:in `apply'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:187:in `eval_resource'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `call'
C:/Tools/Puppet/puppet/lib/puppet/transaction.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in 

The resource would be called like this

iis_logging {'TestLogging':
   ensure  => present,
   site       => 'applicationhost'

Type I've Defined
Puppet::Type.newtype(:iis_logging) do
desc "Puppet type to set the configuration of IIS Logging"
newparam(:site, :namevar => true) do
desc "ApplicationHost for server level or the name of the site"
munge do |value|

Provider I've Defined (just showing the exists? method - that's the first 
(I've defined (copied) command(:powershell) in this provider because of the 
lack of inheritance of the commands method, but I get the same error with or 
w/out it)
(run method is already redefined in Josh's provider, which is inherited from 
the exec provider - didn't think I need to do antying else)

Puppet::Type.type(:iis_logging).provide(:iis_logging, :parent => 
Puppet::Type.type(:exec).provider(:powershell)) do

commands :powershell =>
desc "Uses the Exec resource's PowerShell provider to configure IIS Logging 
confine :operatingsystem => :windows
def exists?
                check = false
if resource[:site] == "applicationhost"
pscommand = "Import-Module WebAdministration;(Get-WebConfiguration 
/system.webServer/httpLogging -PSPath IIS:\\).dontLog -eq \$False"
output = run(pscommand, check)
if output.downcase == "true"
return true
return false
pscommand = "Import-Module WebAdministration;(Get-WebConfiguration 
/system.webServer/httpLogging -PSPath IIS:\\ -Location 
#{resource[:site]}).dontLog -eq \$False"
output = run(pscommand, check)
if output.downcase == "true"
return true
return false
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