On Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 4:24:19 PM UTC-6, omfg9899 wrote:
>   Hello all and thanx in advance to anyone that replies to my endless 
> headache here.
>   I am trying to do a couple of things, and failing miserably. I will 
> touch on the most important one for the moment.
>  I am trying to set a variable based on a variable.  Effectively a dynamic 
> variable.  I can do this in bash all day long. :/ 
> class webapps_dt($envir = "${which_envir}", $envir = upcase($envir), 
> $agent_name = "WEBAPP_EC2EAST_$envir_SERVICE, $server = "
> collector-somehost.atsome-domain.com", $version="5.5.0") {
>   The problem is, I can't figure out for the life of me how to nest or 
> embed that variable inside that variable.  I can nest or embed a fact, but 
> not another variable.  In case anyone is wondering, the second thing I am 
> trying to solve is upper casing the original fact.  What I am searching for 
> is the environment in which the machines are built. ( dev / cert / prod ), 
> but I want them to be uppercase like the rest of the string.  That has of 
> course failed too.  So assuming that envir = DEV, I can't get this to work..
You cannot specify the same parameter name twice in one class's 
declaration.  It simply doesn't make sense -- they conflict.

You also cannot interpolate a class parameter's value into *its own* 
default value.  This stands to reason because the default is relevant only 
when no value is specified for the parameter.  Moreover, you cannot modify 
a class parameter's (or any other Puppet variable's) value once it is 
assigned.  You can, however, create a separate class variable that contains 
the transformed value you want.

As a separate matter, you cannot reliably interpolate the value of one 
class parameter into the default value of a different one, though there is an 
outstanding feature request for that 
<https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-1080>.  In practice, doing so 
works for some combinations of parameters but not for others, and it is 
difficult to predict which will and won't work.  You have a few options 
here, among them:

(1) Similar to the case of transforming a parameter value, you can create a 
separate class variable (not parameter) in which to assemble the wanted 
value.  Example:

class webapps_dt($envir = "${which_envir}",  $agent_name = undef) {
  $envir_upcase = upcase($envir)
  if $agent_name {
    $agent_name_real = $agent_name
  } else {
    $agent_name_real = "WEBAPP_EC2EAST_${envir_upcase}_SERVICE"
  # ... use $agent_name_real


(Note the braces around the variable name in the interpolation, by the 
way.  Since you are proficient with bash scripting, I don't need to 

(2) You can create a wrapper class that performs the data munging you want, 
and declares the true target class with the right parameters.  The easiest 
way to do this is just a special case of (1), though, so it's usefulness is 
limited.  It mainly serves cases where *other* classes, not themselves 
declared by the target class, rely on the values of the target class's 

class webapps_dt_wrapper($envir = "${which_envir}",  $agent_name = undef) {
  $envir_upcase = upcase($envir)
  if $agent_name {
    $agent_name_real = $agent_name
  } else {
    $agent_name_real = "WEBAPP_EC2EAST_${envir_upcase}_SERVICE"
  class { 'webapps_dt':
    envir => $envir,
    agent_name => $agent_name_real


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