
If I run the following command manually (time /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks -v 
--activationkey=1-aab07306b6f673c367ebecae2aa55f22 --force --nohardware 
--nopackages --novirtinfo --norhnsd -v), the runtime is 15 seconds. 
However, if the command is performed via the exe resource the runtime is 
~48 seconds.

Why is the runtime via the exe resource longer?

Is it possible shorten the runtime?

class spacewalk::config inherits spacewalk {

  file { '/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf':

    ensure   => present,

    source   => 'puppet:///modules/spacewalk/rhnplugin.conf',

    owner    => root,

    group    => root,

    mode     => '0644',

    before   => Exec['register-client'],


  exec { 'register-client':

    command => "/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks -v 
--activationkey=${::spacewalk::activation_key} --force --nohardware 
--nopackages --novirtinfo --norhnsd -v",

    require => Class['spacewalk::install'],

    unless  => '/usr/sbin/spacewalk-channel -l',



Info: /Stage[main]/Spacewalk/Spacewalk::Config/Exec[register-client]: 
Starting to evaluate the resource

Debug: Exec[register-client](provider=posix): Executing check 
'/usr/sbin/spacewalk-channel -l'

Debug: Executing '/usr/sbin/spacewalk-channel -l'

Unable to locate SystemId file. Is this system registered?

Debug: Exec[register-client](provider=posix): Executing 
'/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=http://spacewalk.example.com/XMLRPC 
--activationkey=1-aab07306b6f673c367ebecae2aa55f22 --force --nohardware 
--nopackages --novirtinfo --norhnsd'

Debug: Executing '/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks 
--activationkey=1-aab07306b6f673c367ebecae2aa55f22 --force --nohardware 
--nopackages --novirtinfo --norhnsd'

executed successfully

Debug: /Stage[main]/Spacewalk/Spacewalk::Config/Exec[register-client]: The 
container Class[Spacewalk::Config] will propagate my refresh event

Info: /Stage[main]/Spacewalk/Spacewalk::Config/Exec[register-client]: 
Evaluated in 47.20 seconds

Thank you in advance,

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