
I am using open source Puppet 3.7.3. There are multiple yum repos on the 
puppet agent machines. So when I use Puppet to push a package, can I force 
Puppet to use a specific yum repo?

For example, here is my module for pushing Firefox:

class firefox::checkff inherits firefox {
  if ( ($operatingsystemrelease >= 6.5) and ($hardwareisa == 'x86_64') ) {
    file { "/etc/yum.repos.d/firefox.31.2.x86_64.repo":
      ensure => present,
      source => "/templates/Linux/yum.repos.d/firefox.31.2.x86_64.repo",
      mode => '0644',
      owner => 'root',

    package { "gtk2":
      ensure => '2.24.23-6.el6',

    package { "firefox":
      ensure => '31.2.0-3.el6_6',
      subscribe => [ Package['gtk2'] ],

You can see that I make sure my firefox.31.2.x86_64.repo is copied to the 
local machine's /etc/yum.repos.d, but I found out that my puppet agent will 
still try to get the firefox package from my Satellite server instead of 
installing from the local firefox repo.

Is there any way to force Puppet to use a specific yum repo?


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