Hi Alessandro,

I did some cursory rummaging in your code and it looks pretty spiffy (in
a good way!)

Am I right to assume that most of the module's power is encapsulated in
the data/ tree?

This is quite the feat. I'm looking forward to seeing how this will
affect the module ecosystem as a whole, as well as common best practices.


On 01/02/2015 10:49 AM, Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
> Hi all,
> with some hardly hidden pride and excitement I'd like to announce the
> first release of Tiny Puppet <https://github.com/example42/puppet-tp>
> ("Yet Another Puppet Abstraction Layer"), a Puppet module that allows
> easy, quick and coherent management of virtually any application.
> You can read something more about it in this blog post: Introducing
> Tiny Puppet <http://bit.ly/1HjQGeX> 
> Briefly, a common basic usage pattern, in local site modules and
> profiles, is as easy as:
> |tp::install { 'nginx': }
> |
> |tp::conf { 'nginx':
>   template     => 'site/nginx/nginx.conf.erb',
>   options_hash => hiera('nginx::options_hash'),
> }|
> and this can be done with ANY application on ANY Operating System (or,
> to be more precise, to any currently supported application
> <https://github.com/example42/puppet-tp/tree/master/data>) as long as
> it can be installed via the native OS packaging system.
> The module provides several other defines which, based on the
> application data, allow quite interesting things, such as an
> incredibly quick, easy and effortless way to run acceptance tests (or
> monitoring checks).
> For example to run acceptance tests on Centos7 for all the supported
> application is enough to execute:
> bin/test.sh all Centos7 acceptance
> this uses the local Vagrant environment to install, test and uninstall
> applications (read the docs for the prerequisite commands to issue to
> setup your local environment).
> Check here for the current compatibility matrix
> <https://github.com/example42/puppet-tp/tree/master/acceptance/Centos7> of
> different applications on different OS, most of the failures are due
> to incorrect application data, missing extra repositories (they can be
> managed directly in the data files), missing default configuration
> files and other easily fixable issues.
> Other defines are available, or planned, for different purposes, they
> are all based on the applications data which may be easily added and
> extended to support new OSes:
>   * |tp::install|. It installs an application and starts its service,
>     by default
>   * |tp::conf|. It allows to manage configuration files
>   * |tp::dir|. Manages the content of directories
>   * |tp::stdmod|. Manages the installation of an application using
>     StdMod compliant parameters
>   * |tp::line|. (TODO) Manages single lines in a configuration file
>   * |tp::repo|. (WIP) Manages extra repositories for the supported
>     applications
>   * |tp::concat|. (WIP) Manages file fragments of a configuration file
>   * |tp::instance|. (TODO) Manages an application instance
>   * |tp::puppi|. Puppi integration (Don't worry, fully optional)
>   * |tp::test|. Allows quick and easy (acceptance) testing of an
>     application
> Tiny Puppet currently requires Ruby > 1.9.x (on the PuppetMaster) and
> PuppetLabs' stdlib.
> It can be plugged without conflicts in any local modules set and can
> replace or integrate other existing modules: it's all based on
> defines, you can decide which ones to use for which applications.
> Its expected user is the system administrator who knows exactly how to
> configure his/her applications and needs a standard and quick
> interface to manage them without the effort to import and study (or
> even worse, write from scratch) a new module.
> I'm looking forward to hear any feedback about it: without false
> modesties I consider it the result and the essence of years of
> development and research on modules' reusability and abstraction
> patterns, but as long as I don't hear others' opinions about it I'll
> remain with the doubt if it's going to appeal only me :-)
> Best,
> Alessandro Franceschi
> -- 
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