Hi there,

the PuppetDB garbage collection fails sometimes after 5 minutes and 
sometimes after 2-3 hours with the following error message:

2014-12-29 12:12:57,312 INFO  [pool-3-thread-1] [cli.services] Starting 
database garbage collection
2014-12-29 16:31:39,106 ERROR [pool-3-thread-1] [cli.services] Error during 
garbage collection

2015-01-02 08:03:18,464 INFO  [pool-3-thread-3] [cli.services] Starting 
database garbage collection 
2015-01-02 08:08:38,255 ERROR [pool-3-thread-3] [cli.services] Error during 
garbage collection 
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 DELETE FROM 
resource_params_cache WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM catalog_resources cr 
WHERE cr.resource=resource_params_cache.resource) was aborted.  Call 
getNextException to see the cause. 





2015-01-02 08:08:38,256 INFO  [pool-3-thread-3] [cli.services] Starting 
sweep of stale nodes (threshold: 35 days) 
2015-01-02 08:08:38,500 INFO  [pool-3-thread-3] [cli.services] Finished 
sweep of stale nodes (threshold: 35 days) 

In this time no command can be processed by any PuppetDB server so the 
queue starts to increase very quickly.

Here are some information about our PuppetDB data sets involved in the 
garbage collection query:

# Explain output for select
explain  select * FROM resource_params_cache WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM 
catalog_resources cr WHERE cr.resource=resource_params_cache.resource);
                                                        QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop Anti Join  (cost=0.00..2089716.08 rows=19861941 width=314)
   ->  Seq Scan on resource_params_cache  (cost=0.00..1267703.93 rows=19876193 
   ->  Index Only Scan using idx_catalog_resources_resource on 
catalog_resources cr  (cost=0.00..11.15 rows=270 width=41)
         Index Cond: (resource = (resource_params_cache.resource)::text

 Schema |          Name           | Type  |    Owner    |  Size   | Description 
 public | catalog_resources       | table | puppet_prod | 1696 MB | 
 public | catalogs                | table | puppet_prod | 11 MB   | 
 public | certname_facts          | table | puppet_prod | 588 MB  | 
 public | certname_facts_metadata | table | puppet_prod | 6128 kB | 
 public | certnames               | table | puppet_prod | 14 MB   | 
 public | edges                   | table | puppet_prod | 1227 MB | 
 public | latest_reports          | table | puppet_prod | 9296 kB | 
 public | reports                 | table | puppet_prod | 942 MB  | 
 public | resource_events         | table | puppet_prod | 11 GB   | 
 public | resource_params         | table | puppet_prod | 98 GB   | 
 public | resource_params_cache   | table | puppet_prod | 91 GB   | 
 public | schema_migrations       | table | puppet_prod | 40 kB   |

# Indexes
 Schema |                     Name                     | Type  |    Owner    |  
        Table          |  Size   | Description 
 public | catalog_resources_pkey                       | index | puppet_prod | 
catalog_resources       | 536 MB  | 
 public | catalogs_certname_key                        | index | puppet_prod | 
catalogs                | 4680 kB | 
 public | catalogs_hash_key                            | index | puppet_prod | 
catalogs                | 6632 kB | 
 public | catalogs_pkey                                | index | puppet_prod | 
catalogs                | 2152 kB | 
 public | certname_facts_metadata_certname_key         | index | puppet_prod | 
certname_facts_metadata | 5240 kB | 
 public | certname_facts_metadata_pkey                 | index | puppet_prod | 
certname_facts_metadata | 6304 kB | 
 public | certname_facts_pkey                          | index | puppet_prod | 
certname_facts          | 505 MB  | 
 public | certnames_pkey                               | index | puppet_prod | 
certnames               | 5120 kB | 
 public | constraint_resource_events_unique            | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 8067 MB | 
 public | edges_certname_source_target_type_unique_key | index | puppet_prod | 
edges                   | 2365 MB | 
 public | idx_catalog_resources_exported_true          | index | puppet_prod | 
catalog_resources       | 23 MB   | 
 public | idx_catalog_resources_resource               | index | puppet_prod | 
catalog_resources       | 1197 MB | 
 public | idx_catalog_resources_type                   | index | puppet_prod | 
catalog_resources       | 1473 MB | 
 public | idx_catalog_resources_type_title             | index | puppet_prod | 
catalog_resources       | 1473 MB | 
 public | idx_catalogs_transaction_uuid                | index | puppet_prod | 
catalogs                | 14 MB   | 
 public | idx_certname_facts_certname                  | index | puppet_prod | 
certname_facts          | 511 MB  | 
 public | idx_certname_facts_name                      | index | puppet_prod | 
certname_facts          | 877 MB  | 
 public | idx_latest_reports_report                    | index | puppet_prod | 
latest_reports          | 11 MB   | 
 public | idx_reports_certname                         | index | puppet_prod | 
reports                 | 543 MB  | 
 public | idx_reports_end_time                         | index | puppet_prod | 
reports                 | 180 MB  | 
 public | idx_reports_transaction_uuid                 | index | puppet_prod | 
reports                 | 210 MB  | 
 public | idx_resource_events_containing_class         | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 1150 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_property                 | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 1150 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_report                   | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 4089 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_resource_type            | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 1162 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_resource_type_title      | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 3461 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_status                   | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 1150 MB | 
 public | idx_resource_events_timestamp                | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_events         | 1259 MB | 
 public | idx_resources_params_name                    | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_params         | 5397 MB | 
 public | idx_resources_params_resource                | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_params         | 12 GB   | 
 public | latest_reports_pkey                          | index | puppet_prod | 
latest_reports          | 5152 kB | 
 public | reports_pkey                                 | index | puppet_prod | 
reports                 | 594 MB  | 
 public | resource_params_cache_pkey                   | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_params_cache   | 2057 MB | 
 public | resource_params_pkey                         | index | puppet_prod | 
resource_params         | 13 GB   | 
 public | schema_migrations_pkey                       | index | puppet_prod | 
schema_migrations       | 16 kB   | 

# Statistics for resource_params_cache
table_len          | 8756715520
tuple_count        | 24245975
tuple_len          | 8300471564
tuple_percent      | 94.79
dead_tuple_count   | 348
dead_tuple_len     | 134886
dead_tuple_percent | 0
free_space         | 219676684
free_percent       | 2.51

select count(*) from catalog_resources;

select count(*) from resource_params_cache;

We will upgrade when our Puppet 3 servers are ready but, as it looks right now, 
we're still stuck with having to operate Puppet 2.x for some time to come, so 
we'd like to fix this problem tight now.

Thanks in advance!

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