
support for HTTP is a long standing feature request.


It's currently work in progress, you can expect it in version 4.1,
perhaps even 4.0. As for FTP, I'm a little doubtful that support will go
mainline any time soon, or at all.

In the meantime, a common workaround can be implemented using `exec`,

$file = '/home/user1/conf/tempconf1.xml'
$url = ''
exec {
    command => "/path/to/ftpclient $url -o $file",
    creates => $file,

Please note that the URL should use but two slashes after the colon,
seeing as it includes a host address.


On 12/26/2014 12:32 PM, Илья Захаров wrote:
> Hi there! I want to get files which are missing on the nodes on FTP
> So for test i write something like this:
> file { '/home/user1/conf/tempconf1.xml' :
>       ensure => present,
>       source => 'ftp:///',
> }
> and i have a error "Cannot use URLs of type 'ftp' as source for
> fileserving"
> So what does i need to do that i can use "http" or "ftp" source for
> files ??
> Thanks!

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