
I found the problem.

On the line with:

            $addr    =    $net$ip

Should look like this:

            $addr    =    "$net$ip"

Plus a quick "thank you" to Peter Bukowinski for the correction, I have 
clean running test code.


On Thursday, December 11, 2014 11:23:51 AM UTC-8, James Taylor wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am working with an issue that has me tied up in knots. I have a group of 
> machines that will have structured names (i.e. prj-sfo-ibm-102.foo.com). 
> I want to use the host name to assign IP addresses to the machine, since 
> each host name has a locator (sfo), vendor (ibm), and node number ("1" 
> signifies a virtual machine and the "02" is the node number). Here is what 
> I have come up with:
> __________________________
> node 
> /^prj-(sfo|nyc)-(ibm|apple|maxtor|quantum|intel)-1(0|1)(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)\.foo\.com$/
> {
>     $h = split($hostname,"-")
>     $site = $h[1]
>     $vendor = $h[2]
>     case $vendor {
>         ibm :        {
>             $net    =    "10.227.140."
>             $mask    =    ""
>             $ip    =    "171"
>             $addr    =    $net$ip
>         }
>         default:    {
>             notice { "Vendor item in hostname is out of scope."},
>             err { "Vendor item in hostname is out of scope."},
>         }
>     }
>     file {"/root/temp.txt":
>         content    =>    "
> $hostname $site $vendor $net $mask $ip $addr
> ",
>         owner    =>    root,
>         group    =>    group,
>             }
> }
> __________________________
> I am using the hostname prj-sfo-ibm-102.foo.com but the structure keeps 
> breaking with a "Syntax error at '}'; expected '}' at 
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:19 on node prj-sfo-ibm-102.foo.com"
> I have looked in a couple of books and a number of websites, the structure 
> looks correct... A little help?
> --
> James

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