To follow up on what others have said, the method described in the command example

will deactivate your node, which is different than what we call "purging", whether or not you intended.

Deactivating a node will not purge it from the database, it will simply mark it deactivated and cause it to be filtered from the output of most queries. The node is actually purged from the database when it has been deactivated for the length of time specified by the setting node-purge-ttl, which is documented here:

If you set this to 0m, nodes will be purged on the next garbage collection (configurable by the gc-interval setting, 60 minutes by default.)

On 12/11/14 1:04 AM, Martin Alfke wrote:
Hi Matt,
On 09 Dec 2014, at 19:58, Matt Wise <> wrote:

We boot up/shut-down 50-100 hosts a day on average... we're exploring PuppetDB, 
but I'm concerned about the model of just 'waiting' for hosts to be purged 
based on some checkin time. Is there any way to have our hosts send a signal 
through the puppet-masters (or directly to puppetdb?) to purge themselves when 
they're being terminated?
You can use the puppetdb rest api:

In my actual project we disable hosts via VM management system using this API.
Works like a charm.



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