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On Nov 30, 2014, at 9:24 AM, Felix Frank <> 

> Hi all,
> it's with great pride that I follow Alessandro with yet another plug of
> relevant literature.
> My first book, Puppet Essentials, is available as of right now. Check it
> out:
> It's suitable for readers with no prior Puppet experience whatsoever.
> Knowledge about the *NIX command line and/or scripting or programming is
> highly recommended. The title covers the basics and then some,
> dispensing the information quite rapidly. For someone who's setting up
> their first server and would like to use Puppet from the start, it is
> most likely too difficult to follow.
> All that being said, I tried to pepper things with all the experience I
> gathered through the years of interacting with folks in here and using
> Puppet professionally. I'm sure most users will be able to take
> something away from it.
> Thanks are due to my editors over at Packt Publishing for making me do
> this in the first place. I'd also like to add some shout-outs to my
> reviewers:
> Ger Apeldoorn, of conference and training fame, helped me a great deal,
> by not only scrutinizing my code examples, but also with great
> commentary on my coverage of the concepts.
> Brian Moore had an ever vigilant eye on the greater context and called
> me out on more than one inconsistency and weird ordering. Thanks to him,
> I ended up including yet another Nginx quickstart guide.
> Puppet Labs' own Josh Partlow added yet more great insight and helped me
> with pointed suggestions towards better structuring and some overall
> missing aspects.
> More thanks go to Dawn and the community team at Puppet Labs, as well as
> all the awesome folks over at puppet-dev.
> Thanks for reading, let me know what you think if you end up getting the
> book, and please feel free to spread the word regardless.
> Cheers,
> Felix
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