On Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:04:59 AM UTC-6, Mnemo Johnny wrote:
> Hi, colleagues!
> Can I repeatedly use a one file resource in Windows in follow case?

You can never declare the same resource more than once in one catalog.  
Under some circumstances, however, the same DSL code can be used to declare 
multiple *different* resources, or you can use conditional constructs to 
allow you to evaluate a piece of DSL code multiple times to ultimately 
declare only one resource.

>    1. Check file resource with md5 from source disk.
>    2. If it changed -> stop application -> replace .exe on destination -> 
>    start application.
>    3. If not -> noop.
> 'Define' with 'realize' don't help me - duplicate resource. For Windows 7 
> I had successfully used validate_cmd, but in Windows XP stdlib with 
> validate_cmd is not supported.

> Resource in Windows 7:
> file { $app1exe:
>   source             => "${app1source}\\${appname}.exe",
>   ensure             => present,
>   require            => Exec['map_source'],
>   checksum           => md5,
>   source_permissions => ignore,
>   validate_cmd       => "${cmd} /c start taskkill /f /im ${appname}.exe",
>   notify             => Acl[$app1path],
> }

PuppetLabs's 'stdlib' module has a validate_cmd() function, but that's 
nothing to do with the above.  The 'validate_cmd' there is a parameter of 
the File resource type, first introduced in Puppet 3.5.  Anyway, *neither* 
validate_cmd enables you to circumvent Puppet's constraint against 
multiple-declaration of resources.  To use that File declaration for a 
Windows XP -- or any other -- machine, that machine must be running a 
recent enough version of Puppet (at least v 3.5).


> How to redeclare file resource to use it in Windows XP?

Again, if you mean multiple declaration of the same resource in one 
catalog, then you can't.  Not in WinXP, Win7, Win8, Linux, OS X, or any 
other OS supported by Puppet.

If you mean declaring the same resource in each of several different 
catalogs for the same machine, then you don't need to do anything special 
at the Puppet level.  That's not multiple or re-declaration in the sense 
those terms are used in Puppet context, and it just works as far as Puppet 
is concerned -- Puppet will happily produce a catalog.  You may be 
constrained by other factors, however, such as Windows refusing to modify 
or replace the EXE of a running process.  Such factors could cause catalog 
*application* to fail, but a solution must involve what you declare, not so 
much how you declare it.

I find your use of the validate_cmd parameter to be a bit of a hack, but 
also a bit ingenious.  I don't know any other way to inject actions between 
a File resource determining the target local file is out sync, and that 
File updating the local file.  I would previously have said there wasn't 
any way at all to do that.  If that's the behavior you're after, then your 
best best is to ensure that your clients are all running at least Puppet 

Do note that *no* version of Puppet is officially supported on Windows XP.  
That's perhaps a bit of a technicality, however, since Puppet 2.7.6 and 
above is supported on Windows Server 2003 R2, and unsupported packages are 
available for Windows Server 2003 (original), which is more or less just 
the server version of XP.


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