On Monday, November 17, 2014 4:40:28 PM UTC-6, Craig White wrote:
> Not that it matters, but I am trying to use a module out of puppet forge - 
> camptocamp-openldap
> https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-openldap
> There's no hint of using it anywhere
> It has an unusual style. There isn't any init.pp and the structure looks 
> like this...

It *is* a bit unusual to not have an init.pp, but only because it has 
become so common for each module to have an eponymous class (i.e. a class 
"openldap" in this case).  This module does not need or want that because 
the client and server pieces share nothing.  The init.pp is not a 
qualification for being a module, nor is it automatically loaded in 
general, it is just the manifest where Puppet expects to find the 
definition of the eponymous class, if there is one.

> ├── client
> │   ├── config.pp
> │   ├── install.pp
> │   ├── ldapvi.pp
> │   └── utils.pp
> ├── client.pp
> ├── server
> │   ├── access.pp
> │   ├── config.pp
> │   ├── database.pp
> │   ├── dbindex.pp
> │   ├── globalconf.pp
> │   ├── install.pp
> │   ├── module.pp
> │   ├── overlay.pp
> │   ├── service.pp
> │   └── slapdconf.pp
> ├── server.pp
> └── wl.pp

Other than not having an init.pp, that doesn't look particularly strange to 
me.  It's a bit *big*, but there are a lot of pieces to manage.


> The last file - wl.pp is my own file and it looks like this...
>   $ensure    = present
>   $directory = '/var/lib/ldap'
>   $rootdn    = 'cn=admin,dc=wl,dc=com'
>   $rootpw    = 'password'
>   $dn        = 'dc=wl,dc=com'
>   # Install openldap server
>   class { 'openldap::server':
>   }
>   openldap::server::database { $dn:
>     ensure => present,
>     rootdn => "cn=admin,${dn}",
>     rootpw => $rootpw,
>   }

Oh no, no, no.  You should not add code to a module in order to *use* the 
module.  Moreover, you should have top-level declarations only in your site 
manifest.  Your wl.pp is in fact functioning as a site manifest when you 
name it in a 'puppet apply' run, so it's not necessarily wrong in itself, 
it just doesn't belong in the module (and putting it there confers no 
particular advantage).


> and if I use 'puppet apply -vd --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules wl.pp
> it works fine but I can't put those variables into the server.pp file or 
> any of the files in the /server subdirectory because they don't work.

I'm not clear on what you're trying to do.  When you say "it works" do you 
mean that wl.pp achieves everything you're after, or just that it runs 
without error?


> I need a method - I thought a class openldap::wl class but I can't make 
> that work either. How do I structure this so I can use one class to 
> configure clients without resorting to re-writing the module completely so 
> it comports to a style that I understand?

Well, it *looks* like you configure clients by declaring instances of class 
openldap::client, which sounds like what you want.  The module seems 
actually to have reasonably good documentation, including examples, at the 
URL you provided.


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