On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:20:53 PM UTC-6, Neil wrote:
> Hello
> I think the advantages of fact based implementation are you can use it in 
> hiera hieracy, query it in puppeydb etc
Facts do not provide an advantage over ordinary top-scope variables with 
respect to interpolation in Hiera 
They do get recorded in puppetdb, but in a case like this, so too do all 
the underlying facts from which they are derived.  The PuppetDB query API 
supports a regex match operator which could be used against the 'ipaddress' 
fact in this particular case, so at best the custom fact gets you a small 
convenience in your queries (which, however, are probably machine-generated 
anyway, so any such convenience is mostly wasted).  I'm not sure what the 
"etc." could be.


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