On Friday, October 10, 2014 10:50:34 PM UTC-5, Matyas A. Sustik wrote:
> I am new to Puppet. I hoped someone in this group could get me on the 
> right track with some questions I have.
> 1. I would appreciate an example demonstrating how to tell puppet to 
> install a specific package in a specific location? For example, how to 
> write that python2.7 should be installed in /usr/local/bin?

Note that although there may be a Python 2.7 package for your system, 
Python 2.7 is not in itself a 'package' in the sense that term is used in 
Puppet.  A 'package' in Puppet is an RPM, or a DEB, or even a Python pip or 
Ruby gem.  These sorts of packages generally get installed to whatever 
location the packaging system chooses.  On a package by package basis, 
however, and depending on package type, you may be able to influence 
installation location via the 'install_options' parameter of the Package 
resource type.


> 2. How to install a python module, for example pandas? From the command 
> line one could use pip. Does puppet know about pip?

Puppet does know about pip, but generally speaking, it's bad news to use 
different package management systems on the same system.  You really should 
use packages of the native packaging type, managed by the system's package 
manager, even if you have to create the needed packages and keep them in a 
local repository within your organization.  (Though plenty of people do 
ignore this policy advice.)


> 3. How to install a package from the tarballs and specify some parameters 
> to the install process?

You can use Exec resources to do this if for some reason it is not feasible 
to build a *bona fide* package in the package management sense.  I don't 
like it, but I have done it.  From an individual system perspective, it has 
all the negative consequences of a manual source install, but it at least 
has the advantage of repeatability.


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