
I didn't read all of your message, but this first section had me
wondering: Are you aware that Puppet resources support actual tags?

@@check_mk::host { 'title': host_tags = [ ... ], tag => 'nat' }

You can then easily collect all tagged resources.

Check_mk::Host<<| tag == 'nat' |>>

The interesting part is that the tags actually *do* form an array, and
that the == operator in the collector *will* check to find wether the
RHS is in the array.

Come to think of it, you might even get away with

Check_mk::Host<<| host_tags == 'nat' |>>

Have you tried this?


On 10/15/2014 07:02 PM, Baptiste Grenier wrote:
> I am trying to query PuppetDB to filer my nodes to retrieve all the nodes
> exporting this Check_mk::Host resources containing a specific value (nat) in 
> the
> host_tags array.
> My ultime goal is to be able to write something like this in my manifests, to
> retrieve all the check_mk hosts that are behind NAT:
> ----------8<------------------------------------------------------
> $nat_nodes = query_nodes('@@Check_mk::Host{host_tags = "nat"}')
> ----------8<------------------------------------------------------
> With the = meaning that the nat tag is included in the host_tags array. (I
> would love to have a construction like the in operator of the puppet language 
> [1]...)

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