While implementing custom facts in our environment I did some
experimenting with structured
facts in our Puppet manifests. Puppet is 3.7.2, Facter is 2.3.0, Master
and Agent run on the
same VM, future parser is on and stringify_facts is disabled.
I failed at using one of my custom facts (an array of hashes) in Puppet
so I did some tests with the "os" core fact and failed as well.
To debug my manifest I added these two notice() calls
and observed this output:
: (Scope(Class[Dummy])) RedHat
: (Scope(Class[Dummy])) {family => RedHat, name => CentOS, release =>
{major => 6, minor => 5, full => 6.5}}[family]
This is kinda weird, it seems as if Puppet fails to interpolate
structured facts in double-quoted strings,
because both calls to notice() should output the same text, right?
Or did I miss something?
Thomas "Duke" Hager d...@sigsegv.at
GPG: 2048R/791C5EB1 http://www.sigsegv.at/gpg/duke.gpg
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