How do I configure the tomcat plugin?
Do I execute the examples code fragments? If so, how are they executed?


It looks like the code fragments in the examples directory correspond to
the instructions above.

I've installed the plugin, but I don't get how to configure it per the
instructions and code snippets:
"The simplest way to get Tomcat up and running with the tomcat module is to
install the Tomcat package from EPEL,
class { 'tomcat':
install_from_source => false,
class { 'epel': }->
tomcat::instance{ 'default':
package_name => 'tomcat',
and then start the service.
tomcat::service { 'default':
use_jsvc => false,
use_init => true,
service_name => 'tomcat',


I'm pretty experienced using puppet, and rolling my own modules, but not
with using puppetlabs modules and need some pointers on this please.

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