On Monday, October 13, 2014 3:54:17 AM UTC-5, Torsten Amshove wrote:
> Hi,
> it's easy to reproduce.
> On Puppet-Master i have a module called "test_bug" with this manifest:
> test_bug/manifests/init.pp
>> class test_bug {
>>   file{"/tmp/test_bug.sh":
>>     ensure => present,
>>     source  => "puppet:///modules/test_bug/test_bug.sh",
>>   }
>> }
> And one file: test_bug/files/test_bug.sh (just touched - it's empty)
> Now if I run "puppet agent -t" on my puppet client I get:
> info: Caching catalog for <hostname>
>> info: Applying configuration version '1413190327'
>> err: /Stage[main]/Test_bug/File[/tmp/test_bug.sh]/ensure: change from 
>> absent to file failed: Could not set 'file on ensure: undefined method `&' 
>> for "644":String at /etc/puppet/modules/test_bug/manifests/init.pp:5
>> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.80 seconds
>  The only way to get this "running" ist to remove the "source" entitie.
> Both servers are running SLES 11 SP3 with puppet 2.6.18

It seems pretty clear what is happening, but I'm having trouble determining 
*where* it's happening, or why.  Except for the previous message in this 
thread, this doesn't seem to be a documented bug, so I'm inclined to 
suspect that it arises from an uncommon combination of factors, rather than 
exclusively from Puppet itself.

Things to consider, therefore:

   1. The OP apparently solved his problem by downgrading to Puppet 
   2.6.17.  Is that a viable solution for you?
   2. Is upgrading to Puppet 3(.7) a possibility for you?  Or even just to 
   2.7?  You would need to upgrade the master, too, but not necessarily all 
   the agents (v 2.6 agents should work with a v 2.7 master).  Puppet 2.6 is 
   quite old by Puppet standards.
   3. What version of Ruby are you running on the client?  IIRC, Ruby 1.9 
   was not officially supported in Puppet 2.6, so you probably should be 
   running on Ruby 1.8.7.
   4. Is there any chance that you have or ever did have multiple copies of 
   Puppet installed? Maybe one from a gem and one from an ordinary package?  
   If so, then you may have ended up with a conflicting melange of a Puppet 
   install.  If that's the case then perhaps you could resolve the issue by 
   completely removing Puppet, Facter, and Ruby from your system, then 
   (carefully) reinstalling.


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