
Since you aren't getting any errors, it would suggest to me that puppet 
thinks those values are already set correctly and therefore require no 
further action.
The module essentially parses the output from "crm configure show xml", so 
I'd check what is being returned in that output for those properties.
You might have to start digging into the provider code to see exactly what 
it's doing.  The code doing the work for properties is in the file 
lib/puppet/provider/cs_property/crm.rb.  Time to grab a Ruby hat :)

As somewhat of an endorsement for the module, I'm using it on a 2 node 
cluster, running Ubuntu 14 and it works fine for properties and primitives, 
The one thing that didn't work for me was resource-stickiness.  I had to 
set that manually as its part of rsc_defaults (not supported by the 
module), not properties.

On Monday, 13 October 2014 13:09:01 UTC+1, ge...@riseup.net wrote:
> Hi James, 
> On 14-10-13 01:27:05, james.e...@fasthosts.com <javascript:> wrote: 
> > Try running the agent with --debug and --evaltrace to identify what 
> Puppet 
> > is doing in relation to those resources. 
> Thanks for your help. The log shows multiple lines like: 
> Mon Oct 13 13:40:11 +0200 2014 Cs_property[stonith-enabled] (info): 
> Starting to evaluate the resource 
> Mon Oct 13 13:40:11 +0200 2014 Cs_property[stonith-enabled] (info): 
> Evaluated in 0.00 seconds 
> Because of the size I've put the full log at [1]. 
> Still I'm missing an idea how to debug this further. 
> Regards, 
> Georg 
> [1] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=nLs7vDad 

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