Hey Jon,

Thanks for the update and the ticket: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDB-947

We've been trying to reproduce this today and have had relatively little luck. As you alluded earlier, it seems like a possible contributor might be the number of reports per node. Would you mind giving us the sizes of your exported tarball and contained folders, as well as the average number of reports per node?

I'm currently running a 200 node hsql export with 745 reports per node (149k total), which is beyond the scale we would expect to be performant on hsql, and at current pace it will still be done in seven hours or so.

To the extent that you're still having trouble a stack dump may be helpful in diagnosing the issue.


On Thu Oct  9 03:50:13 2014, JonY wrote:
Update: 45 hours - ~75% complete

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1:32:02 PM UTC-7, JonY wrote:

    Running for 7 hours now. Has exported ~15-20% of the data.

    I'm intrigued to see what I end up with.

    On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1:19:04 PM UTC-7, Wyatt Alt wrote:

        Thanks Jony.

        I've loaded up an embedded database to comparable capacity and
        while export isn't quick, it's not nearly as slow as you're

        Fro your process list the PDB appears to be running with a max
        heap size (Xmx) of 1024m.  Perhaps increasing this could make
        a difference?

        The export process appears to be using 192m, but I think that
        should be using the same JAVA_ARGS as PuppetDB itself and so
        could be a bug.


        On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:03 AM, JonY <ethr...@gmail.com> wrote:


            # rpm -qa | grep puppet

            Am storing 30 days of data. Yes - it's a fair bit more
            then the default.

            On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 9:00:17 AM UTC-7, Wyatt Alt wrote:

                Hey JonY,

                Sounds interesting.  What version of PuppetDB are you
                using?  Do you have reports, facts, and catalogs, or
                only some of those? Can you paste your config.ini?

                Also can you give the output of

                ps aux |grep java
                top -n1

                in a gist maybe?


                On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:30 AM, JonY
                <ethr...@gmail.com> wrote:

                    (ok - terrribly unprofessional title.. I get it).

                    I'm trying to 'do the right thing' and move from
                    the embedded DB to Postgres. Following the
                    instructions I figured I would dump out the
                    contents of the embedded DB and import this into

                    So I start 'puppetdb export --outfile <someplace>'.

                    Pour some coffee.

                    Watch it dump one node.

                    Have some more coffee.


                    One more node.

                    Hours pass. Glaciers melt.

                    3+ hours into the process and it has dumped 10
                    nodes (of > 100). At this rate I'm looking at
                    about 1.5 days to get this done. Really?

                    System has 16 cores, 32Gb of RAM.. barely running
                    at idle. Tell me I missed some critical parameter.

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