On Thursday, October 9, 2014 12:49:40 PM UTC-5, Tony Thayer wrote:
> Couple of things I noticed:
> Your testhiera/manifests/init.pp file looks a little odd. I re-wrote it a 
bit and it ran without a hitch.
> class testhiera {
>   $test = hiera('testhiera::test')
>   notice("Test is ${test}")
>   file { "/tmp/${test}" :
>   ensure => present,
>   }
> }
> But keep in mind that I am leaning entirely on hiera in my environment. My
> site.pp file only contains hiera_include('classes') (and some other stuff 
> omit .svn/.git directories from being backed up).
> My personal take is that you should go all or nothing with it. That way 
> aren't maintaining node definitions in site.pp AND in your node .yaml 
>    - Tony

Thanks for the code fix! I would like to get to the point where all of the 
data is in hiera. But I have a pretty big environment and unfortunately it 
was one of those 'Boy, that escalated quickly' deals. It started off as 
'Hey this puppet thing is cool!' and quickly tumbled into 5 sys-admins 
hacking/patching code together for their servers. A few months ago I really 
started to clean things up when I realized that an average puppet run was 
about 10 minutes...I fixed a few big things and re-wrote one module so now 
it is down to about 3 minutes but that is still far too long for what is 
going on. The more I looked at that code the more I really began dreading 
to look at the next module. Now that we have trimmed the number of OS's we 
support to just CentOS 5&6, Scientific Linux 5&6, RHEL 6, and SLES11, there 
is a /lot/ of dead puppet code for all the weird hacks we had to do. I want 
to rip all of that out too!

The point being, I can't just flip a switch and use hiera off the bat. This 
is going to be a tedious process as I switch out one module at a time with 
a re-write. So I need to make sure I do this right and balance things 
properly. This is also the biggest reason why I worry about a variable not 
being found and Puppet silently carrying on without telling anyone that 
there is a problem. The good thing is that I have a mostly-complete dev 
virtual environment on my laptop, plus a much-closer-to-production dev 
virtual environment at work, plus a good sampling of 'production boxes we 
can afford to test on' (and I test code in that order). So by the time we 
are ready to push to proper prod, things VERY rarely go completely sideways 
on us.

I really like the idea of one place to control the specific variables 
needed for a host and I /really/ like the idea of having our modules in 
such a manner that we can just hand that code over to someone without 
worrying about sensitive data in them (even if no one would ever use those 
modules...a lot of them are very specific to our environment but I still 
don't want that kind of information in them). So I think this is a good 
goal for me to move forward to. It just will take some time. :-)


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