if you want execute a powershell file:

 command => "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File file.ps1 

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 4:22:14 PM UTC-3, Paul Ponzeka wrote:
> I am using Puppet installed with the powershell module.  I am struggling 
> with how to pass a puppet variable through to powershell.  For instance I 
> have the following in my module *init.pp* file:
> class windows_dns(
> $forwarders = ''
> ) {
>    anchor { 'windows_dns::begin': } ->
>    class{'windows_dns::install': } ->
>    class{'windows_dns::config': } ->
>    class{'windows_dns::service': } ->
>    anchor { 'windows_dns::end': }
> }
> Then in my *config.pp* file I have:
> class windows_dns::config {
> case $kernelmajversion {
> 6.3: {
>                         $forwarder_execute = 
> 'windows_dns/setdnsforwarders.ps1'
> $forwarder_check = 'windows_dns/checkdnsforwarders.ps1'
> $dnsforwarders = $windows_dns::forwarders
>                 }
> 6.1: {
>                         $forwarder_execute = 
> 'windows_dns/setdnsforwarders_legacy.ps1'
> $forwarder_check = 'windows_dns/checkdnsforwarders_legacy.ps1'
>                 }
>                 }
> exec { 'forwarderscreate':
> command => template ($forwarder_execute),
> unless => template ($forwarder_check),
> provider => powershell,
> logoutput => true,
> }
> I have stored as a template in the manifest a powershell script file as:
> $dnsforwarders | out-file C:\test.log
> I obviously want to use a more complex output.  I tried adding a parameter 
> to the top of my powershell script but dont understand how to pass that as 
> an option to puppet.  
> The variable passes through fine.  I tested by changing the command to 
> *command=> 
> template ($dnsforwarders)* and i of course got an error from puppet about 
> it not being able to find the template named ** in the manifest. 
>  I just dont know how to pass this through to the shell. 

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