>> Nope it should work in theory, are you using PuppetDB for this? If so
>> in the puppetdb.log you should see a corresponding log entry for the
>> deactivate command for that node. Can you grep against your
>> puppetdb.log to see if this arrives when you send the `puppet node
>> deactivate {foo}` command.
> Yes, I'm using puppetdb and the command arrives at the database:
> 2014-10-09 13:31:37,302 INFO  [c.p.p.command]
> [55a70ff1-3491-4885-9614-589b35756883] [deactivate node] fqdn.of.host


> What caught my attention here is that the Timestamp here is different from
> the timestamp in the log. Maybe the is something going wrong there? PuppetDB
> and Puppetmaster are running on the same host, so there should be no time
> difference.

The timestamp is in ISO-8601 format, which means its got a timezone
associated with it, in this case UTC. Could this be the cause of

>> Finally, try using a tool like this to analyze what exports still exist:
>> https://forge.puppetlabs.com/zack/exports
>> This will help you understand if the node you are trying to deactivate
>> is still exporting this data, or if its coming from another place.
>> This is important, sometimes there is data coming from another node,
>> and its often what users don't expect. Make sure you check for typos
>> on the node name most importantly, this is the biggest contributing
>> factor to confusion around this :-).
> The node doesn't show up with puppet node exports
> But a puppet agent -t run on the icinga node still doesn't remove the node.
> Maybe I should say that I am using foreman. But I also deactivated the node
> in foreman. So my guess is that I'm good there.

Wait, are you actually purging the resources somewhere? If it becomes
unmanaged, that doesn't mean it cleans up after itself unless you are
purging also.


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