
thanks for your response. 

I am planning to take Puppet 202. I think that the entry level exam.

Which has some background of the software and some labs.

As of now I am kinda shooting in dark. However when I start my 
certification I will have more specific questions.

To give you more insight in what I am after. 

- I am planning to divert my career towards data center
- Puppet and Cisco data center technology is two courses I am aiming for

Any comments will be appriciated.

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 00:36:13 UTC+11, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 1:15:29 AM UTC-5, Krishna Krishna wrote:
>> Ok,
>> I am newbie to puppet. So be nice. I may ask some stupid questions.
>> I could not find some similar post so creating new post.
>> I have not worked on puppet before except of downloading puppet on my 
>> linux machine and playing with some commands just to get feel of it. I do 
>> not work on Linux either but I do have fair background of linux.
>> I am planning to give puppet certification in 2-3 months. Below are some 
>> quesitons which I have.
>> What type of hardware do I need ? (I only have one laptop, I can use 
>> virtual box and fire couple of more systems), Should that be enough ? 
> You should have at least two machines, whether physical or virtual.  More 
> machines would allow you to explore marginally more Puppet features, but 
> are probably not necessayr.
>> I do believe I can download puppet version for free and use it to manage 
>> 10 nodes but does it come with all require components?
> I don't know what certification you are planning to take.  If it is 
> specific to Puppet Enterprise, then be aware that PE comes packaged with 
> all Puppet system components and a Ruby runtime to run them in, but the 
> system does rely on you to provide a suitable OS and general operating 
> environment.
> The open source version of Puppet has fewer built in bells and whistles, 
> but if that's all your certification is going to cover then you should not 
> spend effort learning all the PE stuff.  Open source Puppet does not come 
> packaged with a Ruby runtime, or various other generic components, but 
> PuppetLabs does offer it in the form of packages for various operating 
> systems that will help you install the needed third-party components.
>> Is exam based on MCQ's ? 
> You should consult the documentation of the exam.
>> What is passing score ? 
> You should consult the documentation of the exam, but what does it matter, 
> anyway?  You learn the material as well as you can; you take the exam; you 
> pass if you learned well enough, else not.
> Any other information I should know ?
> Generally speaking?  Far more than I could possibly convey in this venue.  
> If you want a useful answer, you'll need to pose a more specific question.
> John

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