Hello and thanks for your reply.

Actually I take back what I said about it working. I still have the config
above in place. And I did complete a run successfully on the puppet server
itself. But when I looked at all the clients (I'm using foreman) I saw the
clients were failing runs. So I went back to regular puppet with no
puppetdb by moving my routes.yaml file to routes.yaml.bak and comment out
the following two lines in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf:

    #storeconfigs = true
    #storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb

And puppet and all the clients are playing nice again. But I really want to
get puppetdb working! So I reversed the steps I that I took above to put
puppetdb back in place so I could show you guys what's going on.

Now it's really apparent that puppetdb is not working at this point. I hope
I can get it going at some point.

I was using this guide to try to get this to work and followed all the
steps, I believe, correctly:


But now when I perform puppet runs with the puppetdb in place I get back
the following result:

[root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #puppet agent --test
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will
*Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for
puppet.jokefire.com <http://puppet.jokefire.com>: *Failed to find facts
from PuppetDB at puppet.jokefire.com:8081: *[404 Not Found] *<html><head><meta
content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/><title>Error 404
</title></head><body><h2>HTTP ERROR: 404</h2><p>Problem accessing /v3/nodes/
puppet.jokefire.com/facts. Reason:<pre>    Not Found</pre></p><hr
/><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i></body></html>
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
*Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server:* *Error 400 on
SERVER*: Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for puppet.jokefire.com
to PuppetDB at puppet.jokefire.com:8081: [404 Not Found] <html><head><meta
content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/><title>Error 404
</title></head><body><h2>HTTP ERROR: 404</h2><p>Problem accessing
/v3/commands. Reason:<pre>    Not Found</pre></p><hr /><i><small>Powered by
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

When I have a look at the logs  I see that I'm getting password
authentication failures for the puppetdb user:

[root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #tail -30 /var/log/puppetdb/puppetdb.log
2014-10-05 16:25:36,339 ERROR [c.j.b.h.AbstractConnectionHook] Failed to
acquire connection Sleeping for 7000ms and trying again. Attempts left: 1.
Exception: null
2014-10-05 16:25:43,340 ERROR [c.j.b.PoolWatchThread] Error in trying to
obtain a connection. Retrying in 7000ms
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: *FATAL: password authentication failed
for user "puppetdb"*


This is what I have in my /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/database.ini

classname = org.postgresql.Driver
subprotocol = postgresql
subname = //
username = puppetdb
password = secret
log-slow-statements = 10

Yet when I try to log into the postgres database using those credentials I
get no error:

[root@puppet:~] #su - postgres
-bash-4.1$ psql -h -p 5432 -U puppetdb -W puppetdb
Password for user puppetdb:
psql (8.4.20)
Type "help" for help.


Here's the output of that command you showed me.

[root@puppet:/etc/puppetdb/conf.d] #grep '' *

config.ini:# See README.md for more thorough explanations of each section

config.ini:# option.



config.ini:# Store mq/db data in a custom directory

config.ini:vardir = /var/lib/puppetdb

config.ini:# Use an external logback config file

config.ini:logging-config = /etc/puppetdb/logback.xml




config.ini:# How many command-processing threads to use, defaults to (CPUs
/ 2)

config.ini:# threads = 4


config.ini:# Maximum amount of disk space (in MB) to allow for ActiveMQ
persistent message storage

config.ini:# store-usage = 102400


config.ini:# Maximum amount of disk space (in MB) to allow for ActiveMQ
temporary message storage

config.ini:# temp-usage = 51200


database.ini:classname = org.postgresql.Driver

database.ini:subprotocol = postgresql

database.ini:subname = //

database.ini:username = puppetdb

database.ini:password = secret

database.ini:log-slow-statements = 10


jetty.ini:# Hostname or IP address to listen for clear-text HTTP.  Default
is localhost

jetty.ini:# host = <host>


jetty.ini:# Port to listen on for clear-text HTTP.

jetty.ini:port = 8080



jetty.ini:# The following are SSL specific settings. They can be configured

jetty.ini:# automatically with the tool `puppetdb ssl-setup`, which is

jetty.ini:# ran during package installation.


jetty.ini:# The host or IP address to listen on for HTTPS connections

jetty.ini:ssl-host =


jetty.ini:# The port to listen on for HTTPS connections

jetty.ini:ssl-port = 8081


jetty.ini:# Private key path

jetty.ini:ssl-key = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/private.pem


jetty.ini:# Public certificate path

jetty.ini:ssl-cert = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/public.pem


jetty.ini:# Certificate authority path

jetty.ini:ssl-ca-cert = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/ca.pem


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# Hostname or IP address to listen for clear-text
HTTP.  Default is localhost

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# host = <host>


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# Port to listen on for clear-text HTTP.

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:port = 8080



jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# The following are SSL specific settings. They
can be configured

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# automatically with the tool `puppetdb
ssl-setup`, which is normally

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ran during package installation.


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# The host or IP address to listen on for HTTPS

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ssl-host = <host>


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# The port to listen on for HTTPS connections

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ssl-port = <port>


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# Private key path

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ssl-key = <private_key_path>


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# Public certificate path

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ssl-cert = <public_cert_path>


jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# Certificate authority path

jetty.ini.bak.1412460343:# ssl-ca-cert = <ca_cert_path>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# Hostname or IP address to listen for clear-text
HTTP.  Default is localhost

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# host = <host>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# Port to listen on for clear-text HTTP.

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:port = 8080



jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# The following are SSL specific settings. They
can be configured

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# automatically with the tool `puppetdb
ssl-setup`, which is normally

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ran during package installation.


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# The host or IP address to listen on for HTTPS

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ssl-host = <host>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# The port to listen on for HTTPS connections

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ssl-port = <port>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# Private key path

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ssl-key = <private_key_path>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# Public certificate path

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ssl-cert = <public_cert_path>


jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# Certificate authority path

jetty.ini.bak.1412462037:# ssl-ca-cert = <ca_cert_path>


repl.ini:# Set to true to enable the remote REPL

repl.ini:enabled = false


repl.ini:# Either nrepl or swank or telnet

repl.ini:type = nrepl


repl.ini:# What port the REPL should listen on

repl.ini:port = 8082

Lastly I can show that the puppetdb service is actually running:

[root@puppet:~] #service puppetdb status

puppetdb (pid  26297) is running...

And listening on port 8081:

[root@puppet:~] #lsof -i :8081


java    26297 puppetdb   23u  IPv6 505111      0t0  TCP *:tproxy (LISTEN)

Thanks again for your input. It'll be a great day when I can finally get
this to work!



On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Ken Barber <k...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:

> > I've installed puppetdb on my puppetmaster. I have puppet-server-3.7.1,
> > puppetdb-2.2 and puppetdb-terminus-2.2.
> >
> > I've setup puppetdb like this:
> >
> > [root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #cat /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/database.ini
> > [database]
> > classname = org.postgresql.Driver
> > subprotocol = postgresql
> > subname = //
> > username = puppetdb
> > password = secret
> > log-slow-statements = 10
> >
> >
> > [root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #cat /etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf
> > [main]
> > server = puppet.jokefire.com
> > port = 8081
> >
> > [root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #cat /etc/puppet/routes.yaml
> > ---
> > master:
> >   facts:
> >     terminus: puppetdb
> >     cache: yaml
> >
> > [root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #grep storeconfigs puppet.conf
> >     storeconfigs = true
> >     storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
> >
> > I'm running puppet via passenger and using foreman 1.6.0. And I've
> selected
> > postgres as the database for puppetdb as you can see above. When I
> perform
> > puppet runs everything seems to go OK. Which I thought meant that
> everything
> > as good between puppet and the puppetdb.
> >
> > However, when I connect to the postgres database and try to show tables
> for
> > the puppetdb database, it says that 'no relations are found'.
> >
> > [root@puppet:/etc/puppet] #su - postgres
> > -bash-4.1$ psql
> > psql (8.4.20)
> > Type "help" for help.
> >
> > postgres=# \c puppetdb
> > psql (8.4.20)
> > You are now connected to database "puppetdb".
> > puppetdb=# \dt
> > No relations found.
> >
> > So my question is, if I have everything setup correctly, why am I not
> seeing
> > any tables inside the puppetdb database? Am I missing any steps that I
> need
> > in order for this to work?
> Is PuppetDB actually working at all? Or is this just a symptom you are
> trying to track down.
> Well couple of things, can you show your puppetdb.log for starters,
> perhaps the initial startup might be useful.
> I'm hoping this isn't it, but there is a small chance you have a
> duplicate entry in your conf.d directory, I've always found this
> methology to be a good one for checking this:
> # cd /etc/puppetdb/conf.d
> # grep '' *
> Can you show us the results of this (with secrets removed also) it
> might give us another clue.
> It sounds to me like if its working its either using a different
> database than we think it is, or potentially HSQLDB which is the
> embedded one. You should be able to see clues if you are accidentally
> using HSQLDB in this regard in /var/lib/puppetdb/db:
> root@puppetdb1:~# ls /var/lib/puppetdb/db/
> db.log db.properties  db.script  db.tmp
> None of what you have provided shows this to be true so far, but worth
> double checking :-).
> ken.
> --
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