This is what I use to deploy VMTools, which is packaged similarly. First I 
place the tar.gz file within the manifest's "files" dir, and here is the 

if ( $::virtual == vmware ) {
  File["/home/someuser/vmtools_package.tgz"] -> Exec["vmtools_install"]
    file {"/home/someuser/vmtools_package.tgz":
      source    => 
      schedule  => 'hourly',
  exec {"vmtools_install":
    command   => '/bin/sh -c "killall vmtoolsd; cd /home/someuser && tar 
xzf vmtools_package.tgz && cd vmware-tools-distrib && ./ 
-d && cd .. && rm -rf vm* && /usr/sbin/vmtoolsd &"',
    schedule  => 'hourly',

Notice that the handling and installing of the packaged file all happens in 
one line. The hourly schedule insures that a client doesn't try to start 
this process again while another one is running, as the compile during 
installation can take a while. It also cleans up the installation files 
when done.

I hope this helps,

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 9:18:55 AM UTC-7, Chayce wrote:
> Hi,
> Actually, I am trying to install Websphere MQ on agents by using puppet 
> master. I think there are two ways. One is from available .tar files, and 
> other is using rpm/deb. I also want to use rpm, but how do I create a 
> manifest to use rpm packages. I found modules for activemq, and rabbitmq 
> but not for web sphere mq in puppet forge. or What I am missing here? Thank 
> you.

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