On 2014-30-09 15:35, jcbollinger wrote:

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:29:23 AM UTC-5, Benjamin Priestman wrote:

    I've always used import, not include to get my node definitions into
    site.pp. the new way of doing it, I believe, is to use a manifest
    directory. See

Yes. 'include' is for declaring classes; it does not apply directly to
whole manifests.  'import'ing node definitions is about the only use of
'import' that is any more accepted as good practice.  The point of the
new(ish) "manifest directory" feature seems primarily to remove any need
for that use of 'import'.  Deprecation of 'import' will surely follow,
if it hasn't been deprecated already.

It is already deprecated, and you get an error if you try to use import with --parser future. In Puppet 4.0, the import is gone, but you get a specific error message that it has been discontinued.

- henrik

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