Augeas changes the file during the execution of the catalog on the node,
so it cannot have any content in the catalo, and that is what
puppet-rspec is testing.
the with_content test will always fail, because a content attribute is
not available for the augeas resource
puppet describe -s augeas
changes, context, force, incl, lens, load_path, name, onlyif, returns,
root, show_diff, type_check
For rspec unit testing, one must keep in mind that you are testing the
content of the catalog.
On 25/09/14 12:09, Bill Sirinek wrote:
I have a simple class that sets the timezone on a Solaris system. I'm
trying to write tests for it, and failing. It's telling me the file is
nil, but there should be content as the file does exist. The file is
not generated via a template or as a static puppet file in the
module... the module just has an augeas resource to set a shell-style
variable inside the file: TZ=<timezone>
I have puppetlabs_spec_helper 0.8.1 and rspec-puppet 1.0.1 installed
as gems into Puppet Enterprise's ruby (PE 3.2.3)
Here is the error and the offending rspec code:
bsirinek@myhost $ rake spec
1) timezone when called with parameters on solaris should contain
Augeas[set_timezone] with incl => "/etc/default/init", lens =>
"Shellvars.lns", changes => "set TZ US/Eastern" and content =~
Failure/Error: }).with_content(/^TZ=US\/Eastern$/)
expected that the catalogue would contain Augeas[set_timezone]
with content set to /^TZ=US\/Eastern$/ but it is set to nil
# ./spec/classes/timezone_spec.rb:47:in `block (3 levels) in <top
(...annoying deprecation warnings removed...)
Finished in 0.60314 seconds (files took 1.4 seconds to load)
4 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/classes/timezone_spec.rb:43 # timezone when called with
parameters on solaris should contain Augeas[set_timezone] with incl =>
"/etc/default/init", lens => "Shellvars.lns", changes => "set TZ
US/Eastern" and content =~ /^TZ=US\/Eastern$/
--color failed
rspec test:
describe 'when called with parameter on solaris' do
let(:facts) { { :osfamily => 'Solaris' } }
let(:params) { { :time_zone => 'US/Eastern' } }
it {
should contain_augeas('set_timezone').with({
:incl => '/etc/default/init',
:lens => 'Shellvars.lns',
:changes => "set TZ US/Eastern"
The test works fine if I leave off the with_content.
Any ideas?
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Johan De Wit
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