
I would like to re-explain the problem I am trying to solve to make sure 
that what I want to do is possible, and that it can be done in the way you 
are trying to help me.

In my first post, I mentioned wanting different modules to write to the 
Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/ folder.  Which I will now just 
call preferences.

I have two modules I am working on, one installs Office 2011, and one 
installs Maya 2012.  Office has three files that I want to put in the 
preferences folder, and Maya has one.

So the tree on each client would be:


As you can see, the files are in the root of the preferences folder, not 
subfolders of it.  

It is possible other modules (applications I install) may have individual 
files in the root of preferences and a subfolder, or just a subfolder with 
preferences inside.

I envision on my master I would have the preferences that I need copied to 
the preferences of the client to be in the 
modules/office_2012/files/preferences folder.  

I hope this clears the problem up and I have an idea for another solution 
if the above approach won't work.

Is it possible for puppet to read the files in the preferences folder on 
the master in a loop and the file name be a variable so that the file type 
(/Preferences/${variable}) would be the correct destination?  


On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:49:10 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Monday, September 22, 2014 4:51:38 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> I did the following to see if it would work, and I got (for me anyway) a 
>> surprising result.  It may be the source of some of my confusion and reason 
>> why I'm finding this so difficult.  Note, I don't want to do this this way. 
>>  I just did it as an experiment.  
>> define mac_managed_preferences ($source) {
>>   include managed_preferences
>>   file { "/System/Library/User 
>> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/${source}" :
>>     source  => "puppet:///modules/${source}/Preferences/",
>>     owner   => "root",
>>     group   => "wheel",
>>     mode    => "600",
>>     recurse => "true",
>>     }
>>   exec { "Move Preferences":
>>     command => "mv $source/* ../Preferences/",
>>     path    => "/bin",
>>     cwd     => "/System/Library/User 
>> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/",
>>     require => File["/System/Library/User 
>> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/${source}"],
>>    }
>>   exec { "Delete Folder":
>>     command => "rm -rf $source",
>>     path    => "/bin/",
>>     cwd     => "/System/Library/User 
>> Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/",
>>     require => Exec["Move Preferences"],
>>   }
>> }
>> Here is the relevant portion of the module that installs the application.
>>     mac_managed_preferences { "$module_name":
>>     source => "$module_name",
>>     }
>> I got an error:  Duplicate declaration [Move Preferences] is already 
>> declared in file (path to managed_preferences file) cannot redeclare at 
>> (path to same file).  In my previous posts I said that I though that I 
>> accessed the module multiple times, but declared it once, but this message 
>> is making me understand that puppet says I was declaring it multiple times, 
>> but I am unsure how.
> Multiple declaration is not about how many times a resource appears in 
> your manifests files; it is about how many times it appears in the 
> *catalog* built from the manifests.  Every instance of a defined type 
> added to the catalog carries a declaration of each resource declared in the 
> type definition's body.  Each declaration of a defined type creates a 
> separate instance.  E.g.
> # two instances of defined type
> # my_module::my_type:
> my_module::my_type { 'foo': }
> my_module::my_type { 'bar': }
> That's why I said earlier that "defined type instances must declare only 
> resources that wholly belong to them; they must not not declare shared 
> resources".  Let me now augment that by pointing out that any resource that 
> is not specific to a defined-type instance cannot wholly belong to that 
> instance, at least when multiple instances of the type are declared.
> John

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