I decided to try out 'parser = future' today, and the first thing
to fail was puppetlabs-apache, with errors along the lines of:

    Filepath: /srv/puppet/env/puppet/modules/apache/templates/httpd.conf.erb
    Line: 19
    Detail: comparison of Float with String failed

        There's already a bug report for this[1], but that's not really
my point.  I'm curious as to the larger questions - when are the modules
supported by PuppetLabs in the Forge going to be ready for use with the
future parser?  And, when these modules are ready, how will we know?  Will
it be listed as compatible with 4.0.0?

        And until this is ready, is 'parser = future' doing much good?

                                    - Tim Skirvin (tskir...@fnal.gov)
HPC Systems Administrator / Developer    http://www.linkedin.com/in/tskirvin
       USCMS-T1 Collaboration               Fermilab Scientific Computing

[1] https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/MODULES-910

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